A Theological Question/Debate.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ____Demon____, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. I'm talking about the Christian God.
  2. You're talking about your own made up God
  3. No, I'm talking about the Christian God.
  4. That is why Christians are looked at bad :lol:
  5. So being faithful and believing in The Lord is why people hate us?
  6. I don't know if you don't know how to read, if you're dumb or both. You cant be Christian and believe in Evolution
  7. Why not? And I can read about 70 words per minute. I got and 18 on the ACT in seventh grade, without any practice beforehand. I might be getting a scholarship to Duke University because of that.
  8. Because 75% or more of the basic tenets are diametrically opposed.
  9. I already gave you examples of why you cant. For claiming to be so smart, it doesn't really show
  10. You aren't giving actual proof. Where in the Bible does it say

    "If you believe the Earth is round or in evolution, you're a heretic and you're going to Hell?
  11. Genesis 1:27
    God created humankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them. 

    Where in the bible, that you are contradicted even though you claim to believe it, does it talk about evolution? Also, the bible does mention dinosaurs in the book of Job. Is it bad that I know more of the bible than you do?
  12. God controlled evolution and used it to make all the species in the world. And I never paid much attention to Job. I mostly read Genesis and whatnot.
  13. Can you show me where it says that? Because I'm pretty sure it says the he created them.
  14. That's my belief. My belief is that God had control of evolution, Big Bang, etc. and used them to make the species of the world.
  15. be·lief
    an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.
    "his belief in the value of hard work"
    trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something.
    "a belief in democratic politics"

    Last sentence is laughable

    No where is the word FACT mentioned.
  16. So you made up your own God, the God of the bible claims to create them. It doesn't say that God made the gas that induced the Big Bang into effect, it says he created the heavens, earth and everything in between. It also says the he created humankind and all the animals, it doesn't say that he allowed one cell to become man.
  17. Religious threads always turn out great
  18. When did I make my own God?
  19. When you said that God let evolution happen