A terrible loss 

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Archangel_of_Death, May 5, 2014.

  1. Anyway. Rest in Peace. 
  2. Yes. I heard about the news too. So you know i will do?

    First- I would've checked for any donations systems that are already in place before coming onto a game on my phone to ask for support on a event that I could donate myself.

    Second- I would do it silently. Though I understand your point of view. You wish for more to help. Understandable. But, I would seek out true donation places. Not a game where the main object of the game is too have fun and relax

  3. What a great loss of intelligent beings and people impacting the world in positive ways, wow, pitiful.
  4. Holy ****! Are the poppy fields okay???? Oh god, please don't let this tragic event effect the price of heroin. 
  5. You people have no humanity.
  6. Ideas and disagreements are fine.

    Making fun of an event where so many were killed is not.

    And being happy they were killed just means you are an ass.
  7. Or being a crybaby about people in another country........that we're at war with non the less. How about the Americans that need help. Screw them right. You would rather gain sympathy for potential terrorists but I'm the ass. Nice thought process hippy.
  8. Did it kill any terrorists?
  9. Your clan was given 5minutes to drop you. Or they get farmed.
  10. Oh no. Does the freedom of speech offend you. You got to war watch your friends die and then you can talk to me about how u feel about them. Besides this game isn't my life so I could care less.
  11. So stop caring and stop posting.

    Support to Brood.
  12. I send my respect to all the family's that have lost love ones. They will be in our hearts and prayers. May they rest in peace 
  13. Brood is a bully. Good for him. Still doesn't make me give a **** about people I used to kill for a living.
  14. I see where Sgt is coming from.
  15. Hmmmmmmmmmmm??????
  16. I too am deepy concerned about this unfortunate event and my thoughts and prayers go out to the familys of the lost ones may they find happiness again...