Yet my rants cause so much hate and discontent with all these peace loving people. I enjoy this thread. It amuses me.
Maybe u should read their bible. No peace loving in there. Mostly kill infidels that would be Americans and anyone else that doesn't follow their religious beliefs.
No, those are Islamic extremists. Not all Afghans are extremists. Probably not even 1 percent. And by the way, they aren't bibles.
You know what should be killed? This thread. OP, I support you 100% but you got a military but trolling like mad. I suggest a lock.
Your correct Holman....peace loving people dont carry weapons. ...hang on...doesn't your constitution allow you to bare arms?
"Never try to argue with an idiot, they will come back and beat you with experience." Sgt Holman, I respect your way of thinking, not bc I think it's right but bc it's yours. Just like Op shared his thoughts, you did yours. I don't hate you, I don't like you, I also don't care what you might think of me. What I really do though, is feel sorry for you. I am sorry that you got to think the way you do now bc of the marines. I think you are an idiot, you joined the marines thinking that it was going to give you power, authority, self respect, and that everyone was going to love you. Unfortunately, it didn't go that way, most people that join the forces do it bc they want to help their country, you did it to help yourself, bc you were bullied at school, bc your family don't think high enough of you, bc you couldn't get laid, bc you just thought of yourself as a piece of ****. You joined to get respect from others bc you thought this was the only way, you are Sir, an idiot. You think that bc you joined you now deserve all of this, that any American that doesn't agree with your thoughts, it's a disgrace, when in reality, the disgrace is you. All this years serving, all this time, all it did, was really make you sick. Am sorry for that. You telling what you saw, doesn't change anything, I work with a lot of veterans, and guess what? None of them think the way you do. That's why I feel sorry for you. You think you deserve so much from USA bc of your services, the only thing you deserve is a full ride to the hospital, and stay there forever. Again...your answer to my post can be whatever you want, I don't care, I know you need help, I know you are not right on your head, I know that you also use this excuse of "I am a marine, semper fit, am a warrior, blah blah" bc you are nothing, you know this, and by saying that you know you can get away with a lot of people feeling bad for you. I do, I feel bad for you. I hope one day you realize all your efforts of joining for personal purposes wasn't worth it. It was worth in the sense for the contry, but not for your gains. I also know your answer, "you go enlist and then come back and talk to me like that." That's all you have said in the entire thread, hiding behind your "marine" buddies, the time served. Grow up, I bet you anything you want, that you and your marine buddies, against my friends and I, wouldn't last one hour up. How do I know? Bc you talk too much. You take pride where there is none. Grow up my friend, you need to, I also hope you don't breed. Get better.