A Tale of Two Willys

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lINlIOl_LySsA_lITlAlGIl, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. Am I in pin? Give me a minute then check your news feed
  2. Might wanna try telling the truth for once Terror. The truth will set you free. Your so pathetic you go after my eb fairy alt instead of me. Tired of being pinned by a girl?
  3. Terror attack 0/9/13:14
  4. Lyssa ur the one who made this thread. Ur a attention whore. You made a thread just for arguing yet you say that bs. And im srry but im not going to write a peom or talk in third person.. which bte it prob took you a week to write this idiotic post.

    You are a deadbeat. Nobody likes you, nobody cares about you. Except ur 5 retarded nerd friends. Ive seen private comments about you and this thread. Ppl think ur annoying as hell. They say ur a washed up deadbeat sprag. I actually feel bad for you "kinda" but anyways. Im done giving you idiots what you want an i wont be posting on this thread anymore. You fat cows can keep talking in circles idgaf. See you in news feed 
  5. hail the kings  baws life for life  im out
  6. Yes kings, to bad its 'sofa king we tall did'. Read it fast and enough times you'll get it... eventually. Maybe
  7. Terror more people like her than u by far I've known her since she started and look at clan she's in all loyal friends who would happily fight for her and look at who has posted ROMEO... He's her friend as well so is Minoan... Watch what you say you look like a fool up there lying and bitching about **** u know nothing about.

    Respect woman your also looking a bit sexist up there as well but who cares I'm not you why should I care what people think it's not me saying offensive ****
  8. Ya for your information succerbuccer :lol: i mean sticky hands ;) The people that you are talking about, {you're probably lying] are the people that are exactly like you. Bullies, nerds,whiners, recievers ;) , and low lifes. Who got there tail wooped by lyssa. You are just an annoying keyboard warrior :lol: :lol: :lol: Nothing more than a 30 year old man playing on his phone while giving someone there order of fries. :lol: :lol: This shows a lot of your character in life. You probably have no friends, no wife, all you have is vendett, you have nothing to do except argue about ur wee willie, with a bunch of "nerds' who have kept you pinned since day 1 of this fight. ;) nachos is out, hopefully now ill see you in my news ;)
  9. See Terrors a big man hit the weak and when we insult him he runs off after spewing lies took her maybe 2hrs to write this wait till what I write about u later on today
  10. Haha.. that's too funny. I'm an attention whore yet this is first post I've made to forums and don't make countless alts just so they can be silenced because you have nothing better to do than spew crap from to ur mouth.
    And as far as bring "washed up has been" dude I've only just begun. My pms however say the complete opposite. How your hated throughout kaw. How you have no friends oh wait that's you that said that.
    So funny how you talk out your ... yet can't back up a word of it.
  11. My newsfeed is lonely
  12. Where is Vend? To scared to post?
  13. Nvm... Vend has stopped hitting no need to fuel him sorry for calling u out vend.
  14. I take offense to the 30 year old remark, lol guess being old is bad now. But why argue let's have fun after all it is a game.
  15. I wish Romeo would acknowledge me 
  16. just...lol
  17. They pay well 8D
  18. Is this a peom or something? :roll: