A Summary of EE War Reforms for Next Season

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2013.

  1. PS: my plunder dropped 10m from those towers per hit. Haunt dropped from 29m a hit to 19m a hit.....
  2. Anyways, GH aren't all so powerful in EE.

    Attack plunder doesn't win wars. Sit on your opponent with assass and you'll win, no question
  3. Support to all trying to make wars more enjoyable for all ....thx :)
  4. Zero support except for gh mechanics exploit. Some of the op's suggestions reveal how little experience he has with ee wars.
  5. There is no good reason not to include BFE in the match up decision. None.
  6. Support the majority of the ideas.
  7. @abracadabra

    Dude! EE have only been around for like 4 months. nobody has a lot of experience at them. Even the devs.  I find your comment noobish
  8. @ rudimentary

    Thanks for telling me about the Asian times. I didn't know the sign ups were so low. Come on my fellow sexy Asians and Australians. Lets sign up more!
  9. About the initial comment on why warlor and rca clans don't get matched with eachother, that's not true wwh got matched against hellhounds last week. Ive also seen the rcas matched.
  10. Guild Hansel nerf should be equal plunder if a bigger player makes 5 mil then the G hansel makes the same
  11. @Frog : ee wars have been around for longer than that. They started not long after I started playing, and there was the double mith weekend for Christmas...
  12. @frog

    EE wars in one for or another have been going on for a bit over 7 months, not 4. Still I see your point. It's easy to ignore a comment like that guys because he offers not evidence nor bothers to illustrate how I am inexperienced.

    Personally, like I said, I have had a generally positive experience with EE. That does not mean we shouldn't ever think of new ideas or reforms to make the experience even better. Thanks all for the interesting comments so far.
  13. I support that there needs to be change. I think it is inherently unfair for me to drop my stats and go up against someone who has fairly recently started playing, especially if one would not take my equipment into consideration. It's easy to pick on the little guy, and in my opinion, cowardly. It certainly does not encourage newer players to stay on and help KaW grow, which is plain stupid from a business perspective.
  14. #3 is bad idea. The possiblity of watching a very high strength rank clan face a gh clan because of prestege alone? It woould be mismatches everywhere.
  15. Here's in idea to think about: To encourage as many clans as possible to keep waring as the season progresses, divide the warring teams into two divisions based on team rancor level. Division 1 has the higher-rancor teams; Division 2 has the lower-rancor teams. Within each division matchmaking is based on strength, size, bfa, bfe, etc. This is sort of like Phil's idea of having high prestige clans war each other, but instead of clan prestige, a teams total rancor is used to gauge war experience. Also, Division 1 teams should get a higher mith payout than Division 2 teams, so that strong clans will (to some extent at least) welcome the chance to war with each other, rather than trying to engineer matches with inexperienced clans.
  16. @ thumper.

    I think divisions would be too complicated. Who will be watching who is in what division? All star war clans would be a simpler solution.
  17. Everyone should be winning 50% of wars. All except the top few, and bottom few. If you are a GH pummeling people within your stat range, then by all fairness you should be moved up to fight the big boys. The same as if you are a big stat clan with terrible players/stratagies, you should be moved down to fight clans at the same war level as you.

    Every other game around uses some form of matchmaking value, OTHER than stats alone. stats != skill.
  18. I like the idea of getting rid of tracking ;) keeps everyone more active and less of a mathematical game
    change scout to be use as planned = to see enemy power, not to destroy all his/her troops;
    so increase steal and decrease scout

    I think scout should be used to see how high is enemy regenerated or how much time to regen = that's good spy action
    no scout to destroy his/her all troops

    then no reports about Ko on cc need ....
  20. BUMP...for Devs :-D