A Summary of EE War Reforms for Next Season

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2013.

  1. Lmao Gd point. Of course Ata wanted to keep ppl in and spending.

    Nex is lowland t5 and new ebs to keep cash bell ringing 
  2. Lmao Phil, I remember you got a very sound reasoning by Belle as to why random regen would be bad. Looks like you just want to push on what you think is right.
    No support to this option.
  3. I support these ideas. I also support a shorter season. 8 weeks is long. Make it 4. Also I would like to see EE travel with you so you don't loose a level when you leave a clan.
  4. @nash

    "Very sound reasoning". Wow. That's specific.

    Belle wasn't on that thread to debate. She was there to flame on me to settle some sort of grudge. Her reasons were highly debatable at best.
  5. @aerynna

    I don't see how rising hawks vs hellhounds would be such a tragedy. Would it be any worse than having warhounds fight HGL three times in a row and have them win by a combined score of 200b to 50?

    What would happen is they fight, one side loses, prestige goes down and they get a more favorable matchup next time. Meanwhile the winner goes in to fight the next up and coming prestige challenger. It works for boxing, it can work for EE as well.
  6. I am not saying prestige should be the only consideration, but it should be one consideration.
  7. Nash - remember that OP is all blah blah; he actually knows nothing. Who's Phil anyway? Oh that paparazzi that chases famous kawers hoping that some shine rubs off on him 
  8. Not sure if this has been said or not (didn't read all 11 pages yet), but in regards to the "only battle clans with similar prestige" idea, that would create an exploit where a top clan could just clan hop to subclans or dormant clans with 1000 or less prestige so they get a favorable matchup. Imo
  9. no support, except for gh. build that small shouldn't be allowed to make that plunder in ee. but keep it that way on eb, don't want my banks to starve
  10. I remember OP's thread "Rancor season - Place your bet".
    Op's predicted We're Screwed will come on top at the end of this season. So much for a person self-claimed that he can predict the future.
    Also, on another thread Op just found out that you actually can destroy/drop buildings during the war sometimes last week....a worm told him. That technique has been used (mostly hansels) for along while now.

    Stop pretending that you know everything there is about ee war Op.

    Where were all these suggestions before the rancor season started? Right, cause you didnt give a damn about it.
    Now all of the sudden you want the ee war to be changed in favour of your build i believe. Lol

    Players adapt to what devs given to us not the other way around.
    Stop bagging guild hansels like you totally understand how to be a guild hansel during ee war.

    Ee war is where every build can participate not just the bigger stats players, that where the big money is for the devs.

    If a guild hansel can hit you with their small stats troops/spies then there something wrong with your build/bfe/bfa or altogether. You need to fix that, not asking devs to change the ee fighting mechanic's system.

    No support.

  11. What about make casting of WoC not visible to others before the matchup?
  12. Phil- how to stop a GH - 1m static spy and static def will result in near invincibility to a GH.
    If the 1m isnt enough. Do 2m Def. it is simple, build to smash their plunder advantage.
  13. And i feel that stat req. are too much.
    This is NOT ASW phil. Leave them separate.
    -stat req. will result in the reinstatement of mith wars. Devs dont want it, dont see it happening.
    -tracking is a SKILL a few elitists will always find a way to one up you. Anyone can sweep effectively and have a similar effect.
    -reserved for future comments
  14. I honestly think if you make any adjustments to EE wars the results will be the same. Those who are in the top 10-20 warring clans will learn to adapt and win consistently.

    And the rest will complain and say the system is flawed.

    I won't change till more clans war. But too few want to out in the effort to build a proper war clan so they get crushed a few times and give up. THIS WILL HAPPEN WITH ANY SYSTEM.

    So until we have 150 teams warring matchups will be hard to make fair and this cycle will repeat.
  15. Totally in favor of all ideas. Nicely put together 
  16. Nice presentation. Support most ideas, and great to see the discussion.

    *I agree prestige should be part of, but not the most important factor in, matching decisions. It is vexing being part of a clan with prestige in the 980's - 990's and 3-4 recent losses being matched with a top 20 prestige clan with 3-4 consecutive wins (happened multiple times for me). However, I can see how clan members could hop between clans to gain an advantage.... (at the loss of their ee though...)

    *I agree the length of season could be reduced somewhat (6 weeks?).

    *One idea which I think would make the entire season more interesting is to make the rancor levels permanent once won. This would reward the sacrifice made in earning a win, and preserve this instead of risking it and losing ground after bad match-ups / bad performance. My main twice had a decent amount of rancor levels accumulated only to have it slip away with continued warring. The amount of levels earned with win would need to be curtailed, and perhaps the thresholds for each reward level would need to be increased, but this would help build momentum especially in the initial weeks. Remember most people with busy lives may only be able to war 1 or 2 times a week, so a loss offsetting a previous win can cancel out an entire week's activity. No-matches also eliminate these limited timeslots available to war / chances to make-up previously lost levels.

    *Variable times out of KO based on person's decision to re-attack may be interesting. This along with crystal usage could really throw trackers off.

    Great forum post. :p
    - Badger
  17. 1 - is such a backhanded "fix" to what exactly? These wars are too mechanical - what does that even mean - in order for you to be sat on in a war by a tracker your entire team most likely is down with more than a few of the enemy out of KO and actively hitting. In a good balanced war both sides have people out of KO the entire time. Any clan that "plunders first" and puts themselves into KO should not get an advantage of picking when they come out. It would turn into another form of turtle war - Rabbit Wars!!!! where everyone tries to SKO as fast as they can at start - then entire clan picks when they come out together. The war would be nothing but waiting on clans coming out of regen at the same time.... I can't believe you have this as #1

    #2 is easily fixed and should have been in the beta testing stage. If you can use items to scout I can use them to defend. Why is scouting the only action this happens in? Either both sides can use items or neither can.

    3. Prestige obviously needs to be factored in to encourage more clans warring and not more "fair" fights, but more fun fights! I completely disagree with the order of it though. It should be used more as a tie breaker than the #1 way to match clans. Your stating it solves the BFE problem is again trying to address a problem by not addressing it. BFE and BFA are the same thing - they add static (some dynamic) strength to a build - I would argue that adding in BFE fixes a lot of what your actually trying to fix but you seem to want to do it like a blind man in a cactus patch. Why would BFE not be included in your clans strength??? I have yet to read 1 single coherent argument against it.

    4. Who cares so dumb  ill give you that one - no one that's any good would fight in them anyway - all Star Wars were a joke the way they had people just "sign up"

    5. Guild Hansels - this is complicated - adding in BFE would make this advantage not so great, as would making each land explored worth a static amount of plunder when defeated regardless of what building is on it. Read that again - each land explored is worth a static amount of plunder when defeated regardless of what building is on it. Third thing is eliminate guilds from being built in the highlands (you can't build a stable up there). Do these 3 things and I think you've really swept the leg karate kid style on GH build without making too dramatic a change to kaw.

    6 support time zones for other areas of earth that have kaw 

    7. a - again another dumb idea - right up there with having your girlfriend sing you the sexiest version of happy birthday ever right in front of your wife - Gotta love Marilyn Monroe --- so everyone just gets a full bar with 10 min to go - I won't even get into this one 

    B - another surprising support 
    C - support again - smaller builds its tough to make enough money to buy all the pots and few mith needed to war losing 3-4 in a row

    In summery - Phil while I think your better at gossip than thinking I do like that your trying.

    Sorry couldnt resist another jab apparently 

    I have Mr. Miagee standing by ready to slap his hands together and get you back into the fight if you need him Danielson 
  18. I agree with all of the above. I go to skool 5 days a week and most wars are either at 12pm 12am or 8am so can't do them. If we do even wars at all time zones more Aussies will war.
  19. How to abuse the prestige matching if implemented:
    Step 1: lose a ton of matches without trying(aim to be the lowest clan)
    Step 2: get a ton of loaded high stat accounts that are fully active
    Step 3: gun it in the last 3 weeks to get 50.

    3 easy steps to victory.
  20. @Khaya, if you defended scouts with pots, then the cost of war would jump a lot. No thanks.