Glad you think that it is actually a refreshing change from the imbociles who shout honour and respect whenever people bring up the fact that soldiers are being used as pawns for the war hawks and military contractors. Every life should be valued and everyone should be considered not just the few who happen to have a certain ideology about others or happen to gain financially. I'm not personally in the army but from what I have understood of it it is more than just conflict soldiers provide humanitarian aid to countries who desperately need it. Too many politicians just see the army as power play when it's more than that. The US always say there efforts are for peace the politicians should act accordingly.
Just because a man becomes president does not mean your country will wage more wars, there's many processes and people that dictate on how the military acts. But from what he's said he's more concerned with keeping people out that shouldn't be there than fighting wars. I'm no American but from what I've seen all his words have been taken out of context in someway or another. But comes to it when he coming close to being elected, shows he's doing something right Because your government and secret services caused the current situation in those counties you're fighting in. But shows how much you know about the war when you are saying this is not their fight, they are fighting to give people rights, stable living and not to die by isis. Please for the love of god yam come up with a better reason to single out Russia before you say such none sense again
Fight for American freedom I'm sorry but every country America has invaded has not been to fight for their freedom it has been for money , oil , power or strategic advantage and all based on lies 9/11 was inside job half of the Isis beheadings etc have been media stages and it's funny how all of a sudden Isis came out of nowhere to be the new enemy number 1 so how come the taliban suddenly disappeared even after bin laden was killed they were still a global threat and yet all of a sudden not even one mention of them doing anything In years ever since the new guys Isis showed up the governments and banks and media and politicians control everything we are all nothing but modern day slaves concealed, lied to and force fed information on a daily basis , we are monitored , controlled , and we all just accept it any one that speaks out is tarnished shot down , . Once Isis is done then it will be the next threat to our security and the next country we invade it will never stop . wake up Sheeps
Pretty sure panama and Grenada weren't about 9/11 nor Canada back in 1812 so maybe a few less generalisations would help. The Taliban haven't disappeared they are still fighting and killing in Afghanistan and Pakistan where they've been based for the entire time, just because you don't hear about them doesn't mean they don't continue. I'd expect such a well read individual as yourself to know that. As for invasions in all recorded history they've always been about resources power and prestige. Probably the biggest invasions ever carried out by the USA would be operations such as torch and overlord during WW2 when American servicemen provided much of the fighting and dying on the western front returning Europe to it's democracies and stopping one of the most horrific political forces from putting Europe into a 1,000 years of hate.
What truely baffles me is how a presidental canidate can have a class-action lawsuit for fraud and still be allowed to continue his campaign. I can not see any way that trump could win if he loses the lawsuit. If he does im moving to canada
@winterknight, I'm not trying to downplay the brilliant part the USA played in ww2, but that statement reads very much like "we saved you in ww2, we did it pretty much on our own"
It wasn't meant to sound like that while the Americans did play a huge role in the allied victory none of the allies would have won without the others supporting them. They weren't always on the best of terms and certainly political decisions affected the nature of the alliance but none of the big three could have won with out the other two.
Hillary is also part of the military industrial complex and will make the same excuses for war. So now your only hope is a 70 year old Jewish man who has voted against the last three decades of war. Help us Bernie Sanders, you've our only hope.
Lol bringing up history from 1812 has no relevance on the state of the world today and it's a sad shame that we do not learn from the lessons of the past. Humans are scum we fight over every little thing for any reason always justifying it in some way. And that was kinda my point though. Propaganda was and is one of the biggest tools used in war and we are fed media propeganda on a daily basis, when they wanted to fight sad every news paper was " weapons of mass destruction this" " weapons of mass destruction that" which were never proved or found it was propeganda to get us on board then we wanted to fight the taliban every newspaper was " be headings this" (a lot of them faked) the taliban done this done that . Same thing with Isis . And you bring up ww2 and America victory America sat out for a great period of the war and only became heavily involved after pearl harbour everyone knows. And it is also widely known that a lot of people became very rich from all the wars . Ww2 was stolen paintings artefacts , antiques , gold etc . The new wars in every country that has been invaded/saved set free isn't it funny that nearly every single one is now controlled by the Rothschild bank and that they now pay money to us for training there troops and providing equipment personnel etc . War is the biggest industry in the world until we grow up as a civilisation and realise we are all one people one race one religion nothing will ever change