Odessys their basically the kingdoms at war equivalent of mafia and triad and right now their at war. Neither side wants to apologies as that will make them lose rep so they will continue until they wipe themselves or the other side out VILLY OUT CAPISH
You people in the sidelines have no say. Those of us involved know who to believe. I'm just cannon fodder so I have no special role aside from following CA. I've said what has needed to be said.
Lol you make us look like noobs ghost, especially since your not HLBC. I rest my case, this is what I have to deal with on a regular basis-asinine clowns.
If anyone is saying I'm an alt of zaft back the hell off I'm just a friend of the guy who supposedly caused this im not in zaft yet I was waiting till I hit 3 mill cs to even bother and your only laughing at my arguments with a lol as a post as u haven't even got the little bit of menial brain power required to compete with my rather long borderline ranting insults I really couldn't give a crap what u say do or think of me short of coming to my house with a bat I really am indifferent in your general direction and hey, that's worse than hatred. Hatred is still a form of caring by being indifferent I don't even acknowledge your existence. VILLY OUT INDIFFERENCE IT'S ALL AROUND U
To war Oh wait...you need to gain another 1-2 million combined before I can curb stomp you... And seriously...touch my cats and I will strip you and leave your naked carcass for the buzzards.
T5 on low-lands? So effectively, you want to get out of the war and go back to EB whoring to stockpile gold, to be ahead of those who did war. And at the next war? Well, just repeat! :lol:
Because the devs said to the mods let it run it's course we have a bet on sides going on in the office and no one voted that we'd break them up so there's to much money at stake. To this the mods replied " we were already doing that as we to are betting on the outcome plus this is just to dam funny" so that's y this isn't moderated VILLY OUT PIT ME DOWN FOR $50 ON ZAFT