Discussion in 'Wars' started by _BlueHawk_, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. And for all u laughers i wanna see u fight this clan see how funny it is then.Then i will laugh at ur thread it was a good war
  2. Vaspin. We never ran for cover . And we were not forced into a cf. We apolagised because we were wrong. Our rocknrolla was farmed and we hit IDD rnr which was wrong , as he had nothing to do with it. You joined us because you had your own issues with IDD rnr. Thats why we made the apologie.
  3. IDD good job
  4. I joined cause rocknrolla asked me to join and musang hit me to force me to join. @pizza i was done with IDD issues musang told me and -rnr- both stop an we did. The next day you(mutiny) was in osw with idd.

    @cherry you was part of osw with IDD and they still hitting me so only fair to hit back
  5. Yeah good job IDD for using i.s.s merc and bully clan have your siZe
  6. Come out of pin and start talking.
  7. I am talking and hitting back
  8. IDD CF Terms: give me cookies and wash my feet they stink after stepping on you.
  9. Lol keep the scout bombs coming it sont so anything to me.
  10. Vaspin you're such an idiot noob. We never asked for help think that all you want. Friends wanted to join in on the fun lol. Can you really talk **** with no pots and no allies? You can't even hit my hansel with 154k defense.

    Congrats on the perm farm 
  11. So you need help its okay to be ashamed. I don't need to hit you I'm hitting others from dtw. Its okay to post in forums don't be afraid.
  12. All perm farm means is you got butt hurt and cant handle it. Its okay I'm waste you gold eb cows
  13. Thanks to mutiny for the apology. To the other toolbox... have fun!
  14. So here goes and im only say it once
  15. So i was in EB new growth in -42- during eb and suruchi and dip_d_devil joked spied people and suruchi had 800mil taken and after eb hit me 32 times. I hit her back and -rocknrolla- farmed me and dip_d_devil. Suruchi told -rnr- that she didn't check and made mistake. -rnr- didn't stop so i threatened him with zaft think he stop but says so i have bigger alt i farm you both. Finally he stop but dip_d_devil friends hits another player named rocknrolla same name but without hyphens. So it was mix up in name but -rnr- knew he got rnr involved but didn't say nothing and lead people to believe it was same person. So that was over but mutiny rnr clan try to talk and say yeah its mistake id but -rnr- hit rnr so mutiny farm him and osw happen.

    Now i got put in osw because rnr asked me for help. In rnr i trash talk just like everyone else did but i guess i did it too well an cause of threats i was kicked from mutiny and is farm for idd.

    And idd cheat in osw they used alliance clan merc and i.s.s to beat up on thia clan that just started at Christmas
  16. Now that said i do realize it don't matter and i could have just kept my mouth shut and not post on people's walls. Musang did give me an out and said no posts on his wall and i didnt listen now I'm in major deep hot water.

    The only thing i can do now is apologize for saying mean dirty things on walls even though it was back and forth banter.

    To musang i apologize and to IDD and friends i apologize and realize i will probable still be a farm but it was my own fault.
  17. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. Vaspin, what exactly is your issue with IDD?
    Because what I understand from reading this, is that you joined a clan to assist (whether requested or volunteer), and your clan lost....
    So, you seem like a butt hurt noob. Now leave my friends alone, please :)
  19. Im not doing any attacks or spies. I said apologies and thats end of it. They can farm me like they doing or do what ever im not fighting back or saying anything to them
  20. Re: A Sincere Apology to IDD

    I'd just like to thank all the sexy ladies in Mutiny for a great war. You fought with honour and held your own while I held mine.

    Thank you for an entertaining ride. 

    @Vaspin, u are a toolbox. That is all.