A Simple way for Max Plunder

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iTom, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. It isn't that hard to buy a 10 mil Allie and look at last 3 digits of the plunder
  2. Yes but I dont like having small allies and this is my alt that i am using from now on
  3. It gets you close
  4. Exactly if you buy a little over the number calculated yoy will be at mp. The equation is perfect but at least it gives youba decent idea.
  5. Not really. It tells me I should have 38b in allies. I've been mp with 20b
  6. But my attack went up 100k and the ally cost dropped 4bil. Why?
  7. Did your spy drop which dropped your combined stats
  8. Nothing dropped
  9. If yoyr at max plunder still when it dropped 4b then your lucky. Idk what happened there but thats lucky
  10. Yeah... just wondering if this happened with anyone else
  11. Idk maybe post a thread on it. Or ask your owner/admin