...and that's something I don't understand why is it that bigger clans start these "starter" clans but then have the newbs do t1-t3 ebs (like anyone's gonna grow that way) ...You really want newbies to grow run Reck and the Reg Haunt
Are you talking about the clan roles update? If so; then no they didn't. They stopped noobs who don't know what they're doing starting a multitude of new clans for the sake of it and trying to run it. Theoretically, the new update should help ensure clan owners and their members are actually interested in the clan and will work to get the gold to unlock all clan roles. We don't need the blind leading the blind (noobs who don't know left from right teaching new players), we need players who understand the mechs of the game going one step further and helping those who don't. The devs didn't kill clans running ebs suitable for new players. Or, as the purpose of this thread suggests, we need a new tutorial or to direct players to places they can learn.
Volleying to 50b is the stupidest idea I've ever heard. That literally means smaller players can't have allies. Maybe if there was if it only happened when you activated it then yeah. Also, the 'longer' tutorial should be optional, as if you're making an alt you dun wanna see dat crap
You clearly didn't read the ally worth a bil for max plunder that is not for sale. Try to be less stupid next time. I do for one like the idea, it is well thought out and accounts for all loopholes
It took me 3 months to grow past like 250kcs when I first started playing in 2010. Then once I started getting the hang of things, I quit then came back and reset and continued to rage quit after some catistrophic event happened that I no longer remember because it wasn't really that bad, but I was like 11, and it just wasn't a good time in my life
They won't. There's enough in forums already for anyone to learn if they wanted, and kaw has a 98% retainment rate so they don't really need new income
All of mine have failed, takes awhile to teach new players. Now it requires money and all your time, I'd like to see the ability to fluidly merge clans.
This is a very good idea I know the feeling and my friends too I explain the game to new Player infinite times its hard explain because this is a complex game and no have a good tutorial to start
I think a better tutorial would improve the ratio of who plays on instead of quitting at 400 atk, 200 Def
50 bil is the price of a beginner? How will those beginners gain allies? You clearly didn't think this through.
You clearly skimmed and didn't read the whole thing. I won't spoon feed it to you either. Reread the OP or get the fluff out the thread with your untaught ass.
Same OP.. I got a friend to play & they all quit.. Except for one but I still have to tutor him through ever aspect of the game even though he has played for nearly a month