a sad revelation

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *yagoobian (01), Jul 4, 2012.

  1. I didn't read that either.
  2. I read one word from that: the  storyteller time?
  3. Sigh... I remember when my main gold supply was from the BL...
  4. Lol Alison
  5.  good times. now KaW's full of EB hitters who don't know how to properly war
  6. @OP, would you mind a 1v1 spy build versus attack build without bringing clans into it?
  7. Jesus goob that's a long post 
  8. That's what SHE SAID!!! :lol:
  9. I just go through forums and farm stupid newbies, trolls, Spammers, etc.

    It's fun :}
  10. Kinky. But I'm a woman...
  11. Haha -( :| )- (fat man)
  12. Lol once I was on battle list then unloaded on this person and he started noob talking on my wall and got a hlbc to get me
  13. I usually hit once or twice, wait a few minutes, then go crazy with scouts just to mess with em.
  14. OP


    You hit the BL,

    With spies 

    You are a daredevil
  15. I hit the BL.

    And 5 is my minimum amount to hit someone.
  16. @Op, yes for attacks it actually pays better, for steals pay sucks but it's fun, time to get 30mil bfa!
  17. That hurts eyes, what color is fiddler using? Green?
  18. Yesterday I did about 20 spy hits, only one person returned but he failed 2 of the 3 attempts and I hit him 4 or 5 times, I was unsure. It's a sad world
  19. Is this a color?