a review of event

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PuNcHy_MaCHiNE, May 24, 2015.

  1. I understand looking at your stats u had more difficulty finding targets.
    Top 500 was generalized assuming higher stats n was not all encompassing.
    My post was at the previous poster who got a whopping 1 garland n said i was funny saying top 500 was easily attainable.

    Khaljit hardly tried yet can comment.
    I'd say u did quite well
    Keep growing n it will get better GL
  2. First of all congrats to Punch. I enjoyed event although missed first day. Imo the mech mechanics balance was good although i would have preferred the BL to rotate or change more often. I had plenty fails against others i normally would not have. But that randomness is refreshing. The event process was good. I enjoyed real time updates on ranking and target levels required and the countdown timer. Good spirit by all who opted in. I think 3 days in total is a nice time for these events and Devs got this about right in this case.

  3. Hit for 16hrs a day, had sword 65/72hrs, no xstals, no shields and only was ranked 768. So on that note top 500 not as easy as u think. Made some really good gold tho. Not complaining about anything just noting my experience. Event was quite fun. To bad my inc was only return hits from bl. I hit a few zaft mostly that opted in and if they were dtw I'd move to bl. I didn't search stats on bl I just started at the top and hit whoever wasn't dtw or that wasn't part of APOC family. 70% of my bl was kotfe so left me with just a few choices.
  4. How long did you sleep? What would happen then?
  5. Support. Great event and again Ty to all who helped and put up with my farming, pretty much all involved were cool even those whose lance I stole. Special mention to the ladies in Silver you know who you are...Ty. Huge shout out to my clannies in Awakening their generosity literally knows no limits the shields were simply on the whole time. And a very special mention to Anasazi without whom I wouldn't have made top 10. Ty brother. Here's hoping this is the start of lots of cool new events like these. 
  6. If you're active all day then you can sleep during the event, if you spend then you don't have to be on all day
  7. Congrats Punch, great job! And solid thread for those who didn't get as high on event Lb as they wanted.

    Agree, solid event. Something for everyone. Was good to see all the KoTFE in BL (although did limit targets a bit).

    Circle of life for any complaining about getting hit by bigs. There's always somebody bigger and smaller than you.

  8. Wolfie, when I say favor I do not mean win. Just because you spend doesn't mean you'll win. When I say favor I mean you have advantage over those who don't pay to play the game. Why must I have to break down every detail of my point to be understood?.... Nothing against you Wolfie, I guess that runs throughout the KaW community as a whole.
  9. Oh and Wolfie, I did know this was an event where Devs were testing algorithms. What about that? I play events because they're fun. Obviously I want to win top rewards but that isn't my main focus when I play. I just enjoy the event as it happens. Some seem pretty darn stressed about this and other events.

    There will ALWAYS be room for improvement. Just don't go overboard with how you give feedback. And to clear certain things out when I write in response, I am not telling anyone to not voice their opinion especially when I'm voicing mine. Just don't be rude or redundant. Is all.

  10. couldn't have said it better myself punch!awesome job punch and all of kotfe
  11. During PvP event guys you're allowed to hit anyone. Who cares what their banner says? If they want rules and whatnot, simple. Don't opt in. If you do, don't expect not to be treated differently.

    It's sickening when there are butthurt noobs that don't like being farmed during an event that requires farming. And then the dull wall posts. Like seriously. If I'm hitting someone during event and they could hit me back, go ahead but don't post noobish stuff on my wall. It's a game. No need for the prologue before you hit me. Just do it if you feel the urge to release some stress from playing a GAME.
  12. I see a lot of that. Just ignore it. Anyone with a banner like that is all talk
  13. Congrats to Punch and the other 3 from Coffee Awakenings that won this event. I saw what you were doing and it was a good strategy.

    I had a tough task because I didn't decide to crystal and try hard until about 18 hours into it. I had to play catch up, but I still finished 12th. I didn't want to do this event at first because there was no equipment, but then I said what the hell it will be fun.

    I noticed Punch say in the op that he didn't get much inc. Well me on the other hand I got a ton of inc. I couldn't come out of pin and my crystals were getting hit hard too. Those kinds of conditions make it a lot of fun. I don't particularly care for any of you but I can admit when you do a good job. Congrats again.. Keep the inc coming and let the good times roll chump
  14. My poor performance was down to me joining the event a day late. Realized that there was little chance of me reaching the top 500 when it was 3am and I was still needing to spend another couple hours to try and catch up with them.

    And I managed to reach top 500 for a pervious PvP event so I know that the time you need to put into kaw to reach it is beyond what most people would be able to do.

    Safe to say I choose having a good nights sleep for the next day of the event over trying to reach the top 500 lb for this event.

    I'll also have you know that I got 2 garlands and not just one.
  15. I'm enjoying this, keep up the fails machines
  16. No support
  17. Fails? Against that build? :lol: :lol: righhhhhttt. Keep up the forum posts chump
  18. Thanks hat ill be picking up the wife soon BTW U CAN CALL ME DADDY PUNCH_the hole

  19. I agree with you to point, but there is another side to it as well. Just because there is a promo going on doesn't mean I'm supposed turn the other cheek either. Often when some spy hansel attacks me and fails on a regular day, I'll use a few spy alts to pin his ass. However in this promo when I did that with some alts that didn't join, I got all these hansels crying that "I wasn't playing fair".

    IMO, you should accept the consequences of your actions. If a clan decides to pin your ass cause you gave them incoming during a promo, that's okay for them to do so. Not against the rules. So while your reasons are valid, it also works both ways.
  20. Look at this dude, for example. Crying because he got scout pinned.