a review of event

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PuNcHy_MaCHiNE, May 24, 2015.

  1. 4 hour ee was the best
  2. Ee events are the best. Brings out lots of sign ups and better match ups.
  3. I made about 50mith. I'm happy about that
  4. Stop talking about EE. How many times will everyone repeat each other? It's all over forums and very well known to those who keep up (and can read) that EE was missed. Why? Who knows, it was only 72 hours. Apparently that was the end of the world for many but that's beyond the point.

    Thing is. You're wasting your time talking about how there could've been EE during event. Guess what? Event is over!

    Still don't follow... EE wars are back! Now just shut it and participate in your EE wars. What amused me the most is how everyone talks about EE and only two or four clans did round wars. Ya'll are pathetic. Complaining about EE and then not even participating when it's back.
  5. #bringbackee
  6. Plot Twist:

    The real winners are the people who didn't blow $100.
  7. Why should we shut it? I think it is important for the devs to know our disappointment that EE was cancelled for this jousting crap. Don't like it? Bugger off the thread.
  8. Most events include EE.
  9. Also, the game will always favor the one who pays more for it. Why be mad about that? Clearly some don't spend on a game because to them it's just a game. To others it's a game that can be even better with a little financial help involved. Stop with the "it's no fair" poop.

    It is fair......

    ................Very fair 
  10. No events for over half a year have included EE. If anything they have detracted from the amount that we EE by keeping us in our HTEs.
  11. Frog, my forum buddy. If I wanted to bugger off the thread I would. Pls stop stating the obvious. Thank you 
  12. When I say Ee events, I literally mean events for ee that last 1-2 weeks or longer that are not season or choas wars. Ee where we need to collect things like in season to get rewards.

    And btw, the reason people keep asking is bc we have hope there will soon be events based just for Ee. Pvp didn't start having events until a year after the first event. Maybe next year, hopefully not that long, we can find ourselves looking at an Ee event.
  13. They said they was testing a new Pvp mechanic and that the new mechanic was not tested enough to run EE.

    I think it was a good choice to halt the EE for the event this time
  14. Fact is ATA is a business and they are going to do whatever they think will make them the most money unless customers state their dissatisfaction with the product.

    S5 has already been delayed. Now EE were cut for three days. Don't doubt for a second the devs would cut them out entirely if they thought they would make more money with PvP events. Perhaps some can spend 100 bucks a week but for me, that's a monthly budget.

    Therefore I think it's is important for all those who enjoy EE to state their displeasure loud and clear. Sorry if seeing that makes you all twitchy or something.
  15. To all the"100 bucks" comments first i xtal alot  so 3x 300 percent at 24xtals . Add in 2 seals 10 xtals and a tril in bb bars the 100 was very well spent seeing i spend anyways

    Also even 75 in nobilty is only 619 bil, 51 cash buys at 12.13 bil
  16. Was gonna mention this ya it was pretty good, being abc and max XTALing on both cruxes 3 times is a solid 10t lol, not as good as when crux were available in the market but still...
  17. @Rusty

    Yeah I read that. Just want to make sure EE/PvP doesn't become an either/or proposition. Don't see what harm there is in comparing the two.
  18. So did you max xstal every day? If not, how many did you use?
  19. Yep i max xtalled daily
  20. Frog, pls don't enter panic mode. KaW won't ever stop with EE wars. It's part of the game. Revenue or not. Clearly they are making money from events like the one that just ended yesterday. And it's in the past. Nothing you say or don't say will change that.

    Now don't get me wrong. Feedback is always welcome to the Devs. Anything to help move the game forward.

    The only thing Devs ignore is ignorant ppl. I don't make much to spend lots on this game either yet you don't see me complaining about it. It's called dealing with it. And when you are dealing with it, do it professionally not childish.

    Now I say this in response to your quote but don't think all of this is geared towards you. Had to clarify this point before you eat me through forums.