a review of event

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PuNcHy_MaCHiNE, May 24, 2015.

  1. Goodness, you two are idiots. Thankfully, through jesus christ, you may one day learn. Ill pray for ya :lol:
  2. I see your boyfriend has arrived to assist you, can't be original eh?
  3. Congrats on winning. I have a question: when you say you had 18 xstals left, do you mean you could still xstal 18 times before landing in xstal jail? How many xstals were used over the three days?

    As for myself, I finished 200 overall. I used about 12 xstals. I also had the sword 90 % of the time. (Stole 3) but had the shield only about 40%.
  4. I meant you and Squishy. Perhaps me assuming you could figure out who I was mocking was too tough a task for you to accomplish
  5. Not sure why rose drops have to be random. Sometimes you'd clear a bar on a dude and get only two drops. How about getting roses with every successful action but fewer?
  6. Nah I figured it out. I was talking about OP, since you came to his rescue. As machines do, right?
  7. As frustrating as it is, I believe the current random rose drops is a good thing.

    For one, if you get it every hit, it favors those whom will xstal like crazy (Nothing wrong with that.) and for two, pave the way for Ps farming.

    I believe those who pay more should get an advantage. Just, not a huge advantage such as that.

  8. I disagree. Random drops suck and the winner of these events will favor those who Xatal, no matter how they drop.
  9. Random drops just even the playing field IMO.
  10. @ AJ

    Since it is random regardless whether you xstal or not, those who xstal would still have an advantage. I also don't see how random drops prevent osf farming.
  11. Pro - ee refesh

    Con - no ee wars
  12. The random drops do make the playing field more even then no random drops. Look at it like this,

    Random drops: buys 50 xstals. Uses them all. Could only probably get like 15-18 garlands.

    Set drops: buys 25 Xstals. Uses them all. Could probably get 15-18 garlands.

    Random makes you buy more to stay on top. So, without realizing it, people aren't gonna just waste and waste and waste on an event with bad rewards. So, in a nut shell, random sort of levels out the playing field just a bit.

    Btw, did anyone else noticed the closer you got to 1k, the less roses dropped from others?
  13. IMO -

    It is the variable that, you may or may not get something, shields from mass OSF farming and levels the playing field a bit.

    Even though xstallers will always have the advantage, I feel everyone getting a set amount every action/few actions would just favor them completely.

    In this way, xstallers can still pull ahead.
  14. To maximize the amount of drops I would try to get in these events: I attack Hansels and steal people with low spies. Usually works well, I wasn't that active in this one. Only got 2 garlands.
  15. Also, I had a lance for most of the event. I made not one mith.

    Still steaming over that. 
  16. I made 30 mith. In just 2 days. Wasn't active 3rd day
  17. I made a set of 5, can't do anything with it rn
  18. Correction, I made 35 Mith in 2 days
  19. I still prefer EE to this. EE cheaper and involves more skill.
  20. I agree. When can we start looking forward to Ee events? That'd be nice.