A regeneration

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Masonisboss, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. Their should be a timer where it alerts you when your troops,are either, full or half of regenerated, or you can decide when it will alert!
  2. This is just an idea that might other players can use!
  3. Mine tells me when I'm full.
  4. Wow, I wish mine did that lol
  5. Mine does too on android.
  6. Mine does too and on IOS, you can always just use your timer on your phone tho...
  7. It takes about 30 mins to regen...set ur watch.
  8. The easy thing to do is to download an app that has a timer. The. You can set it to go off when your regen is complete. There are lots of free timers out there, and they are pretty useful
  9. I approve of moose's message
  10. All phones come with alarms/clocks
    Problem solved /lock