A Raven Among the Doves: Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *iPimella (01), Apr 13, 2011.

  1. A mod bypassing 
  2. Mystique, that was great! Very mysterious so far. I can't believe I waited until now to read it.
  3. Slow much? Lol jk jk XD

    Not only that, the content is B-E-A-utiful XP

  4. @Zaln...and it took you how long to finish the rest of innocence?
  5. Lol Buuurned by Irin 
  6. I finally got my emoji enabled again.

  7. Why were they in enabled 
  8. @Irin
    Uhh uhhh... Well I was gone, but I got caught up :p

    A burn? Uhhhh no... It's like... Ummm a small, minuscule scratch...

  9. @Zaln, yeah sure. And I'm sure that your completely caught up in Broken too.

    @Mystique, when I last backed up my iPod all the settings were wiped, and I've been to lazy to get it back up.
  10. @Irin
    Maybe I am :p Are you caught up in forum posts (yes, desperate right here since I haven't written much)? Lol

  11. Yay! Irin is un-lazy!
  12. Umm what

    @Mystique, me? Not lazy? No, I don't think an un-lazy me exists.
  13. Maybe that's you're alter ego!
  14. Your**
  15. An alter ego? Interesting. Does my alter ego get an eyepatch?
  16. Nah, Irin is the manifestation of lazy and un lazy. Something unique. Explains her... Errr problems... Eheh...

  17. I see...and what is the explanation for your...uh...problems, Zaln?
  18. Simple, they aren't problems... They're superpowers :D top that lol.

  19. That, I think, is a matter of perspective.