A Raven Among the Doves: Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *iPimella (01), Apr 13, 2011.

  1. It's an old saying
  2. This ones a short one
  3. Wow this is really good :)
  4. Thanks Queen! If you have any suggestions feel free to post them.
  5. ...What to say, what to say...

    First off, your story format is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!! Thankfully you have used the Enter Key, something often over looked. It makes your story easy to follow and read. I like the fact that you have a sort of mixed kind of setting with supernatural stuff while adding in the usual pop media like the show Degrassi. Props to that. Now, the story is nice, and I can understand the feelings the main character is going through, but I find it hard to grasp other details that give us a hint about her personality. So far I've got an idea of how she functions (i.e. packing extra clothes, escaping through the hospital fire escape), but it would be nice to have a little more. Like maybe some more revealing thoughts? Of course, this is plainly my viewpoint, and mine differs from everyone else's. Maybe you have, but I blind to it. But overall, the story is nice, but a little shaky at the beginning, as in you made readers think what/where the story is going, which is good. Then you make it all your own. This type of fiction is different, like not something usual and predictable. Like the whole superpowers aren't really emphasized and its more of about the life and their hardships, something most writers tend to overlook and they tend to use actiony seens. The story here takes a commonly used point (superpowers) and gives them a new outlook. All in all, something very impressive.

  6. Thanks Zaln! I got the enter idea from GlooMi actually lol.

    Whenever I re read my story, I find the same problems. To me, my character does seem a little bland. Part of the reason why I'm writing this in first person is to challenge myself to include description without the helpful feature of just writing a long paragraph at the beginning. Plus I noticed my main character seems a little bland. Perhaps that's why I focused so hard on making the story more centered around thought than the interesting powers themselves, to disguise the fact that the mind the reader us inhabiting isn't exactly fully developed in my mind.
  7. The problem with me is that I always write the last chapter first. I know how it's going to end, but not always how to get there. Perhaps that's why my beginning is a little shaky.
  8. Mmmkay, seems nice. While we enjoy, you challenge yourself. A pretty win-win situation to me :p And have you tried writing in third person? Its a pain if you're used to first person, but thats another way to challenge yourself and try a variety. But its REAAAAAALY hard if you're a first person naturalist haha. Personal experiences say so ;P

    And last chapter first... Whoa lol, haven't heard that one... It seems unique and nice though. So how does the whole last chapter thing work? Like what if you come up with a part that you think is important and might alter the last chapter? Do you just add on? (Sorry for the many questions)

  9. Well what happens is after watching a movie, hearing a good song, finishing a good videogame, or revisiting a book, I get this random scene in my head either right before, right after, or during sleep of an ending to a story I never wrote.

    If it speaks to me enough, I write a story otherwise it'll distract me until something better comes along. In this case, it was a mixture of P0rtal 2, bioshock 2, a song Russian Sailor Dance from Red Poppy, and finally completely reading No Longer Human by my cousin. (She sent it to me like a month ago, just got around to reading it )
  10. I see... Well my thought process is suprisingly similar haha.


  11. Actually that's not that much of a shock. We're both probably a kirks to close to crossing the "insane" line to ever recover.
  12. Haha I love that blunt honesty. Anyways, do you just do your storyboards in your mind, and then type/write?

  13. Actually I just write chapters as they come.

    "If I don't believe in writer's block, it can't hurt me."
    -Aprilynne Pike

    (I think that's how you spell it )
  14. I see lol. And the quote... Yeah, we should spam Colonial's wall with that saying! (youre first lesson in humor ;D)

  15. Remember he's a mod. He could silence us for spam!
  16. So it could be my first silence evar!!!
  17. Got that covered dearie. An old wall post he really regrets. The only trouble is digging it up. It makes colonial basically bow to me XD


  18. Extortion! Zaln you really shouldn....

    Aww who am I kidding

    Lemme see!
  19. Haa mmmkay, look near the very bottom of my seeable wall to see colon's post of shamefulness XD
