A PVP Incentive

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by V-U-L-T-R-O-N, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. Oh Lol my bads but if your into pvp I heard zaft anarchy opened up a sub clan
  2. Yea I was in it but couldn't hit the eb. When I'm bigger im going back. Thanks for the advice though:)
  3. I think players should get a bigger cut of the taxes on steals.
  4. No support.. Attack builds that fight from pin are corny
  5. Hmm eric what's your thoughts on the making the same plunder last steal as first steal? (outside of ee & ebs )
  6. Become a hansel instead.
  7. Jk actually it will make attack builds want to war again. But Vul if this is enacted OSF's will resurface.
  8. Noooob alt post with your main op ; )
  9. You come out in forums to derail my thead but not in cc
  10. I, despite being a pure spy, completely agree. Spies have pretty OP advantages if u can use them compared to troop buildings. Troops have theirs too but theyre more obvious aka easier to use. I would say this was a good incentive and i think it should be introduced to the game :)
  11. Exactly, I don't see how it could hurt?