a proposal to solve inactives and osfs in EE war (during sea

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hippy1, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. This is stupid. Top plunder does not necessarily have anything do do with how well you did in the war. Everyone can serve a purpose and that's not always just plundering.
  2. People can become inactive for various reasons, some beyond their control and some maliciously.

    Should the clan owner/admin be able to kick an inactive during a war, would that be the problem solved?
  3. People can become inactive for various reasons, some beyond their control and some maliciously.

    Should the clan owner/admin be able to kick an inactive during a war, would that be the problem solved?
  4. Double post, not sure what happened there, sorry
  5. I'm usaully the smallest in my clan and most of the time in top 10 on plunder. O wait we don't war sh/gh where I'm at. Must be the reason I get plunder.anyhow quit trying to model clans that's have master lb and monster gh/sh. Cause guess what your clan prob doesn't have lb or monster gh. So when you copy these clans that have perfected this stratigy you will match them and lose. Also we haven't warred sh/gh in weeks
    Not 1 single no match. Maybe because big mids have a huge hit ratio. I can normally hit the whole roster of a clan not all success but I can hitem. So if your tired of no matches remove your sh/gh. If your tired of being outmatched by lb monster gh/sh. Stop warring gh/sh. Holy crap we've fixed ee. Well in my clan its alot better. And yes we don't win every war but they are closer and earned hard fought wins or losses that are usually close. So ee isn't broken. It people trying to get easy wins and people copying them. Lets mids back in wars and stop warring gh/sh and maybe you'll get good matches and some wins.p.s gh/sh simply can't hit me either. Throw some towers up and stop being eb greedy. Do you wanna war or eb. If you don't wanna put towers up well don't war
  6. P.s farm inactives prob solved :p
  7. Blackfando that shouldn't work on a fixed roster. In order a clan to qualify they need to sign up with an fixed amount of member (20 or 25). Once one its kicked basically that clan does not meet the requirements to war.
  8. Vlad, granted but it means a clan may have a fairer chance if they could kick an inactive rather than that account becoming easy plunder for the other side. It would be an easy fix really.
  9. Can't agree with this idea. It hurts a lot if the clan.
    Some players have to be meat shields and other low plunder roles. But you cannot war without them.
    However I would support no actions get zero rancor or mith. Only those doing the fighting should be rewarded.
    Though I doubt any clan now will tolerate an inactive more than once anyway.