A Proposal to Bring the All-Star clans into the EE Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 12, 2013.

  1. Support Phil. Yr threads are always something I look forward to in the forum. Unlike many posts, yrs are always either constructive or informative.

    U can actually see many clans hav given up on ee wars. To hav a competitive roster, u need to Gather active players with either spy builds or hi spy def. u can see many of the best clans out there are gathering war clans tat can maintain strictness on builds and stats req and turn away ppl tat are deem not active or with builds and stats tat are unfavorable. Tat includes turning away Frds and clan/Allaince mates, straining and brking up clans and Alliances along the way. Dev doesn't care as long as crystal sales bell keeps ringing.

    Ee wars and edge are meant to foster clan integrity. But look at those roster u see Tt they are mostly the "best" players tat hav been selected and filtered from many other clans which on their own, are not competitive enough.

    With top clans closing roster in order to stay "small" or to not risk inactive merc, u can see a hierarchy of ee war clans. Clan A winning against clan B, clan B winning against clan C and so on. It's highly unlikely clan D can win against clan A for eg. And somehow clan F gets matched against clan B, well equipped with mith equip and seasoned as a winning clan. Wr No1 in clan F is ard same ally lb as wr no10 in clan B. Slaughter ensures. Sounds familiar maybe?

    I dun think many clan really sux in ee war. But without numbers, they resort to accepting wc merc, or unproven players. Many of these are alts of players already warring in Gd clans cus they do not hav extra slots or do not accept multiple accs. While others are with less competitive builds or stats.

    Strategy alone is not going to help these clans which hav no choice but to make numbers with many alts accs (usually inconsistent activeness btw) and players who are slow/reluctant in putting spy twrs, to win against top ee clans. So I hav to agree with u. Ee wars hav made the strong, stronger. And excluded the rest to feeding the top clans even more mith. It's crazy when a wr10 failed half of its hits on a wr20 for a crystal run.

    This is most prob the first and last post I make ab ee wars. I think enough hav been said by others
  2. Cr 10 failing on cr20 *
  3. Where on earth did you ever get that idea? EE wars are about making money for the devs, not some flowery idea of clan comraderie. I mean for crying out loud, people in Warlor and getting stripped by their own members. Where's the the unity in that? Likewise all the strong builds in OG alliance decided it was easier to join a winning clan then to get organized themselves. Where's the loyalty in that? Time to awake from the dream, my friend.

    Remember when we talk about losing clans, we are not talking about clans losing 3 out of 4. It is more like losing 9 out of 9 and eventually saying "what's the point of spending all this money on xstals with nothing to show for it?" It is for players like these that i proposemy all Star clan system so they could have a somewhat better chance of winning at least one war a week.
  4. Maybe reward all warriors in both winning and losing clans, of course the winning clan would have a favorable amount more successful and plundering actions, and would get more, but overall it would be at least award those who lost close to every single war of the season with the normal red paladin equip rather than the boosted one.
  5. Support and hopefully one day they fix guild sos hansles.
  6. Support this idea , But not during RL - Make this a 2-4 week event After RL
  7. Easy fix would be to offer the choice of participating with your clan or the "brawl". That way the clans with good records won't cry foul, and the rest can have a chance for a fun even matchup. Everyone wins.. plus some the bigger accts that are limited in the number of wars they get to participate in (too high bfa for matchup purposes) can war more than 1-2 times a week. I would support that for sure! 
  8. This thread is being bumped on request of an interested reader.
  9. Awesome idea, looking forward to see that. Well done
  10. good idea for all-star wars, not for regular season

    btw I was in all-star wars and clans are able organize to follow strategy ....
  11. This is a great idea I would love to war but can't find a war clan that will let me join this would give players like me the chance to war
  12. 
    SUPPORT, But have it to where anyone can sign with 40 lands!
    That includes all those HLBC and Guilds
  13. @ original

    A land limitation could work
  14. Support 