A Proposal to Bring the All-Star clans into the EE Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 12, 2013.

  1. The current system is too easily abused, an individual opt in system where kaw matches up people who opted in into designed war clans would be much better.

  3. I think for 90% of the people in kaw, noob is a negative term. If you need to post later explaining the nuances of a word, it is better not to post that word in the first place.

  4. Totally agree. Remember long ago, there were no clans in Kaw.
  5. That is going back abit !
  6. As worm said you can drop your build after the matchup. Go osf for the opponent. Again as allegedly happened In a previous asw. How many people would just sign up for that shiny badge as did for previous ASW. It's one thing when you are doing the ASW for the prestige and another when there is something tangible on the line such as the edge. Why war when you have a 50/50 shot, when you can war with a group of warriors you have been in the trenches with, trust and can rely on.

  7. This is true for some. Others are getting turned down from the elite clans and having their assess handed to them every week warring with a less experienced clan. Lots of them have just quit EE. My idea (4wars/week) is not enough to harm all the well-oiled war machines out there.
  8. Phil, this is a great idea but I have a few small suggestions.

    First, the only way to qualify for these 'All-Star Wars' would be to participate in at least 1 EE war that week, and not just cast 50 to get a no match, actually war. It would give all clans an incentive to give warring a shot.

    Second, set the super clans up by CS so the strongest 400 war each other (200v200) continuing down until everyone has a chance to partake. Personally, as someone who has out the time and effort into warring multiple times a week for the past 6 months, I really don't want to get dropped into a war with a bunch of players who will be inactive/won't Xtal/are cows. I'm sure a lot of people will agree with me on this too.

    Third, what about capping BFA available to be used for an EE war. By this I mean create a system that says if you have 1mcs, you are only able to use 10mcs BFA, 10x your stats. Same for larger and smaller players. You can still have 1bcs BFA if you want, but during an EE war, you only are able to use 10x your CS. As we all know there are too many matches dictated by the difference in BFA between clans. This would stop that and still allow the ally market to operate as normal 24/7. (Please not this idea is not mine, much smarter people came up with it.)

    Finally, and on a separate note, please please be on the other team from me as a GH, to some people they might be pests and a glitch in the system but I love slicing through them. They might pack a punch, but unless they have VIP ally bonus, they go down fast.
  9. Any idea that diminishes or contains the EE wars' influence on KaW has my support. The demands of maintaining one's build to adapt to the latest changes in war mechanics or the most recent developments in war strategy and the constant game-wide competition has really changed the nature of KaW for a large portion of players who play because they like to hang out with their clans and friends. Lots of tight knit groups are being forced apart as the realities of being competitive in the war system force clans to impose stringent build requirements on members. Making 'fair' (whatever that means) matches in a system where, unlike system wars, both parties don't consent in advance is always going to be a huge headache. Players from non-U.S. timezones are having less fun since it's much less convenient for them to take part in what has become a huge part of playing KaW and because KaW demographics make it impractical to change the war schedule to accommodate them. The whole enterprise has grown into a large, complicated problem that's more trouble than it's worth. If there's going to be a season 2, I hope the devs take a look at making fundamental changes in the way EE works in lieu of the kind of tweaks and patches they've had to make during season 1, including considering whether a season 2 is merited at all.
  10. @ ski

    Thanks for the suggestions. I can see lots of ppl complaining about how their all star clan members didn't try hard enough, the beauty of it though is that you get a whole new batch of teammates the next time you do it.

    I don't think you need to force anyone to do a different EE to qualify, however. What is the point if all the clans turn them away for not being a gh or having a too high BFa or some other nonesense. The whole point of this is to give a war venue for players who cannot otherwise find a decent one.
  11. I've warred and tracked in ESTOTIC trials and rancors ALOT! I've won tons. Lately I've hot a streak of bad luck my home clan getting matched with clans like poc perkutut army(sorry if I spelt that wrong) and SOTRA. We haven't won matches forever it seems like. We used to be a great war clan and I've seen many of my old mates and myself leave ee wars. I know I as well as many others would rather hit an EB than waste 2 hrs on a failed war. Then those who didn't sign up for war not be able to hit an EB for another 2 hrs cuz of vanished paladin.if we had these all-star wars there would be lots of warriors warring again. People would win some and start going back to their old war clans. The war clans coming back would start spending more crystals and devs would be making more money than ever. Who knows this night get rid of a majority of the EB fairies. This is just my opinion and many will disagree. (I'm not a grammar major) FULL SUPPORT Phi
  12. Thanks for all the support guys. I think this is a win-win situation.
  13. Support lol but u have to consider 2 things. The extreme lag. And where are u gonna find 400people who wants to do this war on the same day and time? And the cc would be .

  14. Basicall almost unreadable
  15. Like we said, you don't need to track. I could find you 400 kingdoms in my state alone that would war at the same time. Since there's no tracking cc Is not required to be quiet
  16. SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT. Phil, I normally think you're a bunch of bs. But you've come up with a brilliant idea. And for that I give you support. The clans who win are going to continue winning bc they have the mith to invest and upgrade their eq. The losing clans have a huge gap to jump if they wanna become a winning clan. This will make things more fair. And they can balance the time zones. 4 wars, 25% of the world per time zone.

    SUPPORT 
  17. Thanks Weaslo.