A post about Satanism

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Takbir, May 7, 2015.

  1. The biggest thing I have against religion is the fact that people are killed for it every day. I'm sure you all remember a certain German political figure that lead the mass genocide of a certain ethnic group. That was a Christian movement. They took every word the bible said literally and encorced it to their best ability. Religion caused nothing but war, death, and suffering.
  2. OP's banner states "Hail Chaos, hail Satan". So essentially you believe in utter confusion and disorder? But you state you live within laws of the land. I'm confused.

    You sound halfway intelligent and open minded, but want mass disorder?
  3. Insanely. I think you mean the Lutheran Bible. Keep in mind the versions are many.
  4. Hitler had everyone exterminated from Rabbis to Priest. You can hardly call genocide a Christian movement. A movement that manipulated religion I can go with, but the way you put it isn't correct.

    Goebbels wrote that Hilter " hates Christianity, because it had crippled all that is noble in humanity."

    Along with Rabbis and Priest. Intellectuals, the handicapped and poor were also targeted by the Nazis.

    History isn't like commentating and speculating on modern day politics. Where opinion reigns. Keep that in mind.

    There is a song about the holocaustic that was put on a Wu-Tang Clan family ablum. It's called "Never Again" by Remedy. It's a good little song. It's worth analyzing, and has been done so scholastically for a decade.
  5. OP. To me you now sound like a Lucerfian, not a Satanist which offers some comfort I'd add. Lucifer is not the same Dude as Satan or the Devil which I'm lead to believe are the same dude. All so confusing since Lucifer was an Abraham I understood a Jew. That 240 years after the death of Christ left a lot of film clips on the roman floors before the bible was penned. Wasn't this when any real record of lucifer was discarded? Plopped in the Holy Shedder with the book of Mary. Certainly the Medici would have destroyed it when they had their go at testifying to gospel.
    Do you use the Satanic Bible ?

    Personally I've always liked Jesus. Would have really enjoyed reading something he wrote rather than written about him.
    His message is very simple no need for 4000 pages of threat. Plagiarized Aesop's Fables, are interesting, until they are not children's books anymore.

  6. History is written by the victors, I'll give a real life example... Edward snowden (lucifer) is hated by the American government (or god in this case)for giving information to the American people (Adam and Eve) the American government only hates Snowden because he enlightened Americans and now the American government can't do whatever they want

    God hates lucifer because now mankind doesn't need god and therefore god can't control his people anymore so lucifer is kinda a saviour in this case
  7. Regarding Nazi nutz. Way off topic cause Hitler was obsessed with broad ranges of religious madness. I heard some one say " they didn't start out so bad". No after hitler got out of jail and got his bud out of the Asylum they were off to a great start.
    Now if you want to know exactly who he targeted look no further than IBM. The US biggest corporation tracked every person they were after. Even the next air raid on England 2 days in advance. The first thing you see at the death camp museum is a big wooden IBM machine.
    Primary targets were Jews and Gypsies.
    Apparently there are only 13.9 million Jews in the world . IBM says the exact number counted and killed. 9 million counted 5.6million killed. 400,000 other
  8. Dionese, has anyone ever told you that they believe all religions worship the same deity, just with a different name? I believe in a similar concept that Satan is represented by misunderstood "evil" deities in religions. I don't believe in Lucifer as a fallen angel or that he tempted Adam and Eve.
  9. War profiteers. It's funny how history is repeating itself, yet we don't accept it. We don't acknowledge it. We don't speak about it.

    Here is some nazi supporters of the past.

    Nazi supporters

    Hugo Boss

    Chase Bank


    Random House







    General Electric




    Standard Oil


    Just naming a few. Each worth it's own post.
  10. Clinton is the anti-christ btw 
  11. What the ****
  12. Oh oh got to correct you on BMW. BMW signed an agreement to save their factories never to build war machines again at the end of WWII
    They believed at first they were building Europe new German passenger line. They refused to build engines they were famous for and the owners were put under house arrest. And you forgot Ford or I missed it. Good Old Henry received a Nazi cross for his contribution. Corporations selling war goods to both sides answers Americas late again showing in WWII
  13. there is no proof for or against religion however there is creditable evidence against it being the dispelling of whichcraft, vampires, warewolfs, etc, you get the point. religion is most probably just a way for people to explain things they can't understand. this only exposes an abundant flaw within our species that we have to have an answer to everything true or not to consolidate our existence.
  14. [​IMG]

    Are you sure? I thought this was undeniable proof that Barrack Hussein Obama was the one and only. I was convinced until I read your post. Now I'm confused. Typical.
  15. @Hydra_Shock Religion was his motivation, so yes I think it qualifies as a Christian movement.
  16. The links come from the Quandt Family. They became major shareholders after the Second World War. The Quandts used over 50,000 slave labourers from concentration camps in their family owned factories.

    Each of those companies has it's own story. Thanks for the correction.
  17. Yes I heard some Abrahams come to grip with that op.
    As far as pagan gods go. I understand the Buddhist and Hindu are 50/50 on worshipping none to many. Same goes for pagans. While celts revere Brighid no one has ever prayed to her. She was a Saint to the Church a Goddess to Celtic Pagans. But the interpretation of Gods differs greatly between an Abraham and Pagan. One the creator of everything, you ask for things daily and forgiveness once a week The Pagan gods a placebo evoked to achieve levels of meditation,
    I'm as confused about Satanism as I always have been. Im happy to skip down the path I was born into.
  18. The Christian ideas of "God" and "Satan" are not what he is discussing. If you cannot free yourself of the one-dimensional identities that you cling to then you're not fit to have this conversation.
  19. World Religions Simplified

    Taoism: Stuff happens.
    Confucianism: Confucius say, "Stuff happens."
    Buddhism: If stuff happens, it isn't really stuff.
    Zen Buddhism: What is the sound of stuff happening?
    Hinduism: This stuff happened before.
    Mormonism: This stuff is going to happen again.
    Islam: If stuff happens, it is the Will of Allah.
    Stoicism: This stuff is its own reward.
    Protestantism: Let this stuff happen to someone else.
    Calvinism: Stuff happens because you don't work hard enough.
    Pentecostalism: In Jesus' name, heal this stuff!
    Catholicism: Stuff happens because you deserve it.
    Judaism: Why does this stuff always happen to us?
    Zoroastrianism: Stuff happens half the time.
    Voodooism: We can make stuff happen to you
    Satanism: We like doing stuff.
    Seventh Day Adventist: No stuff on Saturdays.
    Christian Science: Stuff is in your mind.
    Moonies: Only happy stuff really happens.
    Pantheism: Stuff happens everywhere.
    Jehovah's Witnesses: Knock, Knock, stuff happens.
    Scientology: Stuff happens on page 152 of Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard
    Hare Krishna: Stuff happens, Rama Rama.
    Televangelism: Send money and stuff won’t happen.
    Rastafarianism: Let's smoke this stuff.