A post about Satanism

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Takbir, May 7, 2015.

  1. :lol: :lol:
  2. support
  3. Despite all this discussion of religion, I put my faith in people, not gods.
  4. @ op, who created the world?

    Satan? Have any reliable evidence to back that claim?
  5. Do you have any proof that your god created the world besides a book?
  6. A story book
  7. I hear PETA is lurking op.

    Better lock up your kitties. Op is on the loose. All those poor kitties.

    PETA vs. Satanist. I wanna see it.

    I use to volunteer at the cat rescue on the weekends. I sold many cats out the back door to you sickos. They can't get enough.
  8. Who is my god? Where did I say I believed in any God? Don't jump to conclusions 

    However, going off the basis of Christianity since that's obviously what you're insinuating, the bible falls into line with countless other texts etc throughout history. Explain this.

  9. Definitely support x2
  10. Don't be stupid, it was implied. And people in the bible that were real don't prove anything but the fact that people have always been delusional. And please, do give me a list of those "countless other texts".
  11. One key example is the Dead Sea scrolls. Proof the bible is true? There isn't 100% evidence of that, you're right. Also no proof of Hannibal’s crossing the Alps with elephants has been found either. None of this absence of proof serves as proof of absence as one new archeological find could change that in an instant. King David wasn't proven to exist until 1993 when archaeologists discovered at an ancient mound called Tel Dan, in the north of Israel, words carved into a chunk of basalt were translated as “House of David” and “King of Israel” proving that he was more than just a legend.

    What evidence have you the bible isn't true?
  12. Are you asking because you want to know, or because you want to argue?
  13. if you truly worship Satan because he brought "knowledge" to the world, wouldn't you want to share yours in either case?
  14. Interesting OP. Tbh satanism has never been explained to me or I've just avoided them.
    They seem to be ppl who have turned from one of the Abrahams Faiths at a fashionable age. It's these old books that created the Satan you've adopted. That is why we, most of the Hindu Buddhists Pagans believe it's the 4th Abraham Religion. ( about now a Muslim is saying theirs is the most recent book, but their five Qur'an's in contradicting dialect were burnt and replaced by Muhammed notes ). The Satanic Bible came 4th and as we understand splintered from Christianity.
    The fact that you took some old occult and turned the pentagram upside down I've always found disturbing as it reflects on us.
    You make it sound more like Scientology which I believe is number 5 on the cult list claiming to be "Christian" no less.
    Satanist number so few they you have 12 cults ahead of you all Christian or Muslim.
    In a debate room in a 3rd party app I was just exposed to the Lutheran Bible where the most hateful things imaginable are said about Jews.
    As far as Cults go, the Americans of course, hired an expert to define what points existed to make up a cult. He came up with 10 points which oddly enough every Abraham version qualified for at least 5.
    Hollywood always focuses on Dark Magick following the Bible(s) Qur'an and Thorah thought that all pagans practice dark magick. Truth is it's only kids reading books the Wiccans published against the rule of do no harm. At best they create negative energy around the house.
    So as polite as possible I'd ask do you practice dark or black ?
    We know of two Muslim sects which do but confident Allah will sort them out.
    What governs you to do good in the world?
    Or is it only self serving?
    Religion exists or was created to answer questions man couldn't. Why did the volcano erupt , well of course some God did it.
    The first known sign of Religion was a Neanderthal grave as they seemed to believe in an afterlife as the Abrahams do today.
    What is the Satanic view of after life?
    Do you believe Satan has some control or does he grant free will as the Abrahams claim God does. This always confuses and amuses "It's Gods will" then how about innocent children " God gave you free will". I can understand an Abraham being confused in so many interpretations of these old books written by men. Disillusioned with contradictions, DNA studies, 400,000 year old bones being dug up etc.
    Can you marry 6 year olds like Muhammed or have your way with Alder boys and be forgiven on the weekend? Do you pray? If so do whine for things ? I'm always amused prayers are asking for favor not thanks with few exception. The one where they ask for forgiveness and commit to forgiving those who trespass against them doesn't seem to hold water. What the Satanist position on forgiveness?
  15. I'm asking because I'd like to know how satanists say how the world was created and who created it.
  16. You can't say that something is true just because there is no proof it's false. That would be like me saying that the giant flying spaghetti monster is real because it hasn't been disproven.
  17. How do you believe the world came into existence?
  18. I don't think we as humans have the proper knowledge to make a reasonable claim on that topic yet.
  19. Religions,ideals and concept of propierty are the things that make differences between humans,same as animals(a dog piss to mark territory,humans buy them;religions-some humans are christians,others muslims,others orthodox,...why?for being integrated in a group?this is the career of selfdetermination;and similar for all the ideals the big LIE in our lives).. i respect all religions or ideals but the human for leaving out their animality and to be human should leave out these thoughts(which provoque wars,racism and all stupidities that humans do with others...)then the human will be free and respectuous with the others.

    saying this only want to leave clear that these kind of thoughts are which make humans slaves of themselves...
  20. Then does this post, your reasoning, not defer the idea that the universe and everything in it came into existence perhaps by a higher being, almost a God-like figure?