A post about Satanism

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Takbir, May 7, 2015.

  1. That must be great! Next time he visits, punch him in the nuts. I hate Toby Maguire.
  2. If you won't be serious about it then I won't talk so bye
  3. Eh I like him better then the Spiderman movies
  4. And let's be honest, the Roman gods all wore dresses... They can't be so tough
  5. Battle of the gods now that sounds like a great movie. Who will win?
  6. I'm only joking with the people who are joking. You are making no sense to me ATM, talking about the "guy who is mocking the entire thread's" contradictions.
  7. I just can't believe you right now. He denounced religion and then said he believed in a religion. Then proceeded to worship anybody who popped into his mind.
  8. Although I see people who say their belief is in science as part of satanism, for it was lucifer who gave man knowledge and Jehovah who forbid man to eat from the tree of knowledge therefor denying man the will of having knowledge
  9. Dude this is kaw, go talk to your rabbi ask him the power of Harry potter
  10. Although I can't say I'm with your view on religion, I do appreciate you posting this thread. It's really nice to have the diversity and its a decent thread. Good job!
  11. He didn't deny them of knowledge. He denied them of sin which comes from knowledge. If knowledge was pure, it would be fine, but it is not. Adam and Eve were happy and perfect before they sinned.
  12. Thanks! 
  13. So you are saying there's no way obtain knowledge without sin? Can you not give knowledge to man without having to do sin? Or is it that you just don't want us to have knowledge of what's really going on
  14. How about everyone quits judging, hating, attacking, tearing people down, and being negative. What if everyone stopped forcing their beliefs down others throats? What if everyone chose to coexist instead of wasting energy on the " I am right you are wrong " stuff and every one learns to be more open minded.
  15. Exactly! In the tellings of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity God wanted to withhold knowledge from man while Satan wanted man to be equal to God.
  16. What's his favorite fruit?
  17. Forbidden fruit nah Jk Jk lol

  18. Satan can exist without God. Just name your god Satan. Duhhh
  19. I believe in the strapless bikini.
