A post about Satanism

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Takbir, May 7, 2015.

  1. Little Nicky is that you?
  2. Why would that type of religion be called "Satanism"? If there is no worship of any specific divine entity, it seems fairly foolish to use a word or name that, at the very least, conjures a connection with a worship of Satan.

    It's almost as if these non-Satan believing Satanists are asking to be misunderstood. They must constantly argue just to affirm their own identity. Or they are just using the name "Satanism" for the name recognition. Either way, any discussion on their beliefs must includes the phrase "but we're not with them." That does not seem empowering at all.
  3. That is Levayan satanism look it up
  4. Just funny that the most of comments here are based in beliefs in place of life which is the most important overall the things.if all humans valored more the life in place of the beliefs all would be better...one life is how other doesnt mind where he is or from where he is or if animal or human...ONE LIFE IS ONE LIFE
  5. This is funny, as Lucifer wanted to be God in Heaven, but when God said no, he revolted and him and one third of the Angels were cast out and into hell. So since he couldn't be God, he found a bunch of idiots on Earth to believe that he was God.
  6. Religion fills in the gaps left by science for the weak minded who cannot deal with the unknown.
  7. I saw this outta whole thread "Satan doesn't promote morals, so let's do evil stuff. Oh and lets do things to animals"
    Am I right op?