A post about Satanism

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Takbir, May 7, 2015.

  1. I mean about all of the ppl who believe in God or deities. He mean that the Gods that we believe only make us blind. I don't care if others wouldn't believe like you because it is your decision anyway but he acts like he knows everything which makes me kinda angry.
  2. He states his belief n religion is always n will always be a contentious topic.
  3. What about the Greys?

    Can they not be construed as Gods?
  4. 12How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how are you cut down to the ground, who did weaken the nations!
    13For you have said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the farthest sides of the north:
    14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
    15Yet you shall be brought down to sheol, to the sides of the pit.
    16They that see you shall gaze upon you, and consider you, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
    17That made the world like a wilderness, and destroyed its cities; that opened not the house of his prisoners?
    18All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, everyone in his own tomb.
    19But you are cast out of your sepulcher like an abominable branch, and as the garment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a corpse trodden underfoot.
    20You shall not be joined with them in burial, because you have destroyed your land, and slain your people: the descendants of evildoers shall never be renowned.
    21Prepare slaughter for his children because of the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.
  5. If you believe in God, then obviously you need to believe in his word in the Bible. The book of revelation clearly states that satan will be thrown into the fiery pit along with others that follow his ways.

    If eternal torment floats your boat, then I guess satan is the way to go.
  6. Condemn not the parishioner, condemn those who preach.
  7. You can defend any of the four corners of theist but few don't admit to some spirituality.


    Spirituality is waking up each morning and aligning yourself with the Universe.

    Spirituality is living your life in ORDER, and knowing all that this word means and encompasses.

    Spirituality is knowing the laws of the Universe, and guiding your life in accordance to them. Many times, spirituality is saying NO, because we are CONSCIOUS of the consequences that a ‘yes’ might bring.

    Spirituality is taking honest responsibility for a difficult situation in which you were involved, observing yourself and acknowledging your part in the deeds, and not blaming others for what happened.

    Often, spirituality means quitting, giving up what you want the most, what you desire the most, what you like the most, because you UNDERSTAND that it would bring disharmony to your physical body or your soul, or to others, or to the planet, and to the rest of the Universe.

    Spirituality is waking up from that absurd way in which we live, and beginning to live in an authentic and true way.

    Spirituality is seeing with the eyes of the spirit, beyond what the physical eyes can see.

    Spirituality is awakening conscience within us.

    Spirituality is living with BALANCE.

    Spirituality is looking back and feeling that your life was not in vain, and that you were born one way and, as you advanced on your path, you grew and matured.

    Spirituality is taking care of your body because you have realized how important it is.

    Spirituality is having a positive attitude toward others and making the world a better place each day, even if it may seem like nothing is changing, because each one of us is millions of thoughts that influences the collective mind of this planet, OUR PLANET, our home.

    Spirituality is being selective in life, on all levels – mental, physical and emotional.

    Spirituality is being thankful.

    Spirituality comes from ‘spirit’, and in order to be spiritual, we must have developed our spirit first, because we are all born with a soul but not with a spirit. This latter one is something we must work to attain. And this is not achieved through prayer or church attendance, charity work or books, or by saying that you’re a being of light, or just meditating, I say no.

    You must first work on this individually, with a genuine interest in knowing who you are, where you come from, and where you’re going. A profound labor and path, one of great responsibility and honesty, but, in the end, one with rewards so grand and lasting as are HARMONY and PEACE inside of you and in all that surrounds you. Spirituality has to do with the Universe; it’s when the soul understands that it is part of that vastness and becomes intertwined with It. Then you will understand true Spirituality.

    by, Tony Gray'Owl, out of the BOOK of SAYINGS.
  8. Too Long Didn't Read

    Plus Satanism is just utter bs
  9. So, do you believe that Satan is the fallen Angel Lucifer, or what is his origin according to your beliefs?
  10. I'm unsure of what Satanism means, therefore no support
  11. Nobody cares about your idiotic satanist beliefs
  12. LaVeyan Satanism is better, theistic satanism is just kind of ironic and autistic tbh
  13. Did you think of it as yourself or did you just read the book and follow it? It sounds like a bible for me.... Which was made by a pretty modern person...
  14. Did you think of it as yourself or did you just read the book and follow it? It sounds like a bible for me.... Which was made by a pretty modern person...
  15. And also, I read back few of your posts and if you had read the bible then why would you say that Jesus just make a book in a desert? Yes you don't have religion but pls respect our decision...

    And how can you read Koran if Koran is a sacred book for Muslims and Koran can only be seen in their Mosque? And only Muslims can go inside Or only the priestess of Muslims can read it? Unless you go and spend your time in their Mosque...
    I respect your opinion but if you're keep going to say that we are fooled because of it then I'm sure I'm not the only one who will get angry (if they read or heard what you've said)...
  16. My brain cells gfave just been massacred.
  17. Yes you didn't say that I am wrong but you are Showing that I am wrong. It's like "actions speak louder than words" and pls don't laugh at us because none of us, NONE of us are PERFECT so don't think that you know everything because you don't even know every side of the world from small things, animals, ppl, places, but you may also don't know the space itself, Einstein's theories and discoveries so don't speak like you know everything because you are just sticking to your belief of "Spiritualism" without having enough knowledge to know every religion and describe its own stories like you have been through every challenge of life...

    What now if we are blind by these things? At least we are not using our sight to disrespect ppl and to show that you already see all because an eye's view had a limitation itself and an eye can see the highest of the skies but an eye cannot see the stories behind the darkness, light, animals, or even the skies itself. And it's better to be blind with a wondering heart than a sight with the power to close his eyes to the lessons that he don't know.....

    Lastly, for OP if this thread is useless can you pls request a lock (if this is useless only) because I want this problem to be finished.....
  18. Unitology is the one true religion.
  19. Yehhh u worship satan how cool r u?? Get a life mate and wake up
  20. This type of satanism is poppy ****. The more believable form of satanism is the one where Satan is not a god or entity. But you yourself are your own god, and you empower yourself. That type of satanism is legit af