You can check out this study by Pew Research. The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections 2010 -2050 It goes beyond 2050. That's just the focus. It seems the religiously unaffiliated will be shrinking in terms of ratios. The world is becoming more religious according to this study.
People are hard wired to want to worship. Whether you worship God, Satan, Video Games, Work, yourself anything. Religion will never die. Personally I do not like religion. People take religions way out to right field. You don't have to belong to a group and do what they do to worship. It's a personal bond or connection you might say between you and your diety, who ever it may be. I believe that you should try to inform others of your beliefs because someone may hear it and like the sound of it and study it and go in that direction. Notice I didn't say conform and do like they do. I'm going to give a Christian example because that's all I've ever been. Someone can go to church every time the doors are open and tithe and go through the motions motions every week. Doesn't make them a Christian. You can follow the rules and be a good person. Doesn't make you a Christian. It is that personal relationship between you and God that makes you a Christian. That example can be altered ever so slightly to fit any religion.
I've always heard "Eve tricked Adam" too, but the story simply says she gave it to him, and he ate it. No tricks involved. "4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it." Eve was scapegoated.
It mostly depends on your view point of it. Mine is that: In a sense, Adam did eat it of his free will. But, his wife "influenced" him into doing it. Even tho he knew it to be wrong, she knew it as well. He knew the fruit was forbidden to eat. He ate it because his wife recommended it. ^Of course that's full of holes, but, that's how I see it.
Pentagrams, Baphomets(goat things ) are a part of Satanism as much as a cross is a part of Christianity. They are mere symbols of the belief system you represent. People have a negative image of Satanists, because they have been indoctrinated with Christian beliefs. There is nothing wrong with worshipping satan.
I see satanism as stupid. I see many forms of Christianity stupid (those which think that scientific fact is wrong), but I think satanism is worse. Nothing against satanists, but There's no proof of spirits ever existing. Even if they did, why would you choose to believe and worship in one that is evil? If God were to be the more powerful, why not worship him? Again, I don't want to make anyone in particular feel bad, but just look at what you believe in from different perspectives. Often times when people have "spritual experiences" it is because their minds are playing tricks on them. This occurs when you are tired, hungry, fatigued, or even from placebo. An example I'll show is this: the Ouija board was invented in the early 1900's by Hasbro. Since then, Christians and other spiritual religion persons have used them to "speak with the dead", despite the board being utter bull.
The entire book is full of holes, which is why I'm an agnostic. My point is, Eve was influenced by the serpent, which supposedly was Satan, the "Prince of Lies". Adam was influenced by Eve, though the story doesn't actually say he was. It just says he was there, she gave him some, and he ate it. At the least, they both sinned equally, but Eve (Woman) gets all the blame for the fall of mankind and Adam (Man) gets to rule over her. That's justice? What's worse, the story becomes the justification to relegate women to second class status and subjugate an entire gender, because hey, God says so. But like you say, it all depends on your view. Which is why I suppose there's so many different branches of Christianity.
You speak of a Ouiji board as if it is an official way to communicate with spirits. Just becuAse you have never experienced a truly ethereal experience doesn't make them any less real.
Hey i'm a liberal arts major with emphasees in Biblical theological studies, business, and Biblical languages. Actually, the book of Hebrews in the New Testament is clear that the fall of mankind is Adam's fault. The blame is actually placed on him. Also- you shouldn't make assumptions about women being lesser then men according to scripture. Unless you are a educated in Theology, then you have no authority on the matter.