A Plague of Riddles - Equipment

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Charlie, May 26, 2017.

  1. Where are the fateboom keys? Can't see them anywhere
  2. I completed first legend, and a new 1 appeared, but it won't let me collect my rewards. The collect rewards is there, just nothing happens when I push it
  3. Lots of information missing for this new "event," if that's what it is...and where are the usual tiers other than the top 10, 50 and 100? Seems like you rushed this out, incomplete n prematurely
  4. I have fate boon chests. But there are no keys of fate in marketplace. Can not open them.
  5. I too have a chest of boon but cannot buy a key to open it ?
  6. Just like Devs can't get anything right first time around.I can see a apologise coming soon with omg wait for it 1 free xtrl 
  7. Can't collect rewards button don't work
  8. Worked for me
  9. I've noticed that when you collect the rewards, there's no notification in nf. But the rewards are there. Just check your profile page.
  10. Serious question here, as through the events and now legends...it appears that you are passing out aqua and inferno. Is this the case? The equip I have left to ug compared to the eq I have on are no where near comparable. So my aqua and inferno have just been sitting here collecting dust.

    Will you be creating eq that is worth ug? Or will you give us the option to sell the inferno and aqua?
  11. Dont have option to buy ring. Legend says get serum directly from war but i received 600 sandiran tome. Is this correct?
  12. Yes, you got 600 tomes, it's a bug, and yes, you can get the breastplate.
  13. Like many others, I still can't collect anything. The button for collect does nothing when I touch it.
  14. Wars drop sindarin tome instead of stoval's serum. Is it supposed to be like that? if it takes only 8tomes to upgrade eq what to do with the rest?

    I think we need better clarification on this event
  15. also what is fate's boom chest and what is lotstone used for?
  16. I'm guessing fates boon is how they are going to supply the prolific plunder spell for the event.
  17. What about the Keys of Fate? When will they appear in market?
  18. This is a known issue have we have fixed in the latest update. Please keep an eye on the Google Play Store and update when possible (it may take a while for it to reach your Store). Note that you can still collect items in the mean time so when you are able to you can collect any rewards you have earned and will not be worse off.

    The Fate keys are not available in the Store quite yet. Note that you are much better off waiting to open your Fate's Boon chest! Throughout the Legend it will continue to upgrade. If you open it now you will squander that bonus.

    There actually should be a notification. We will take a look. Also note that you can view the History of your Legends and tap on a particular one to review the rewards you received.
  19. The collect reward button is broken nothing happens when i press it
  20. See above!