Typical useless guide by Merlynd Way to mush a bunch of guides together. And there are plenty of guides EXACTLY LIKE THIS, ever heard "before you make a guide, see if it was already made"?
Your information talking about the Troops thing is inaccurate by the way. How does it show if you can win a battle? THIS: Is what will tell you if you should win or not And and as well as your pot strength. Not to mention the opponents stats, BFA, bonuses, and pots.
Also it's called self pin. Not self DTW. And just because you don't have money out, it doesn't mean they don't get any. The amount you lose =/= they make.
On behalf of the forums, I hereby SHUN Merlynd. SHUN SHUN SHUN SHUN SHUN SHUN SHUN SHUN SHUN SHUN SHUN
Lol Shadow. that's actually not much considering how much gold I have in allies haha. I tend to buy allies because I love talking to them in AC; and not for their price/stats. Also. MERLYND FOR MOD.