A physics stump for me

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by KingReese627, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. but you dont seem to know how its generated
  2. Gravity is good on mashed potatoes
  3. The acceleration is how fast one moves towards the object, it's not how fast the object is turning or moving it self. Because the earth is only moving because the sun is pulling it towards it.

    Rotation creates a different force all together, the force that pushes you alway from the centre of the object you're spinning around, have you ever wondered why when you spin on the round a about you feel as if you're being pulled away from the object. Little hint is because you are.

    Anyways all this talk of gravity is taking this away from ops question. Which is about time and the speed of light.
  4. Holy **** what have I done
  5. Heres my thing about fast as light travel. Youd never survive it so its a pointless debate
  6. Men would never survive on the moon, 100 years ago
  7. It's*
  8. True but space isnt empty. What happens when something runs into a peice of space dust at the speed of light?
  9. We base time on the earths rotation. 1 rotation is a day.
  10. Heres a question, if god supposedly created the sun on the 4th day, how do we know 3 days had passed by then??
  11. I am pretty sure that once we are able to travel at the speed of light, this will be solved.
  12. Without going into great detail, half of the earth would at least die since they would not be exposed to the sun at all and would eventually die because of it. Then depending where on its axis it stopped moving, the entire northern hemisphere could be forever in winter where we would eventually freeze to death. Also, depending if the moon stopped moving or not we could die from that as well (tidals). This is not taking into account earth's magnetic field, atmosphere, gravity, overheating, under heating, weather due to the sun and the moon, other planets still moving.
  13. We base time on a atom, i am not sure which but it 'shakes' a fixed amount of times in one second
  14. Magnetic field, atmosphere, gravity, wont change though. But yeah we're still dead xD
  15. If the moon stopped orbiting around the earth, it would go "splat" onto your head...

    And guess what would happen if the earth stopped orbiting around the sun. Yes, it would get quite warm some time afterwards as gravity would nicely pull the earth towards the sun. Hey, those movements aren't purely luck but obey physical laws.
  16. Who has a physics conversation and doesn't know the difference between "our" and "are"?
  17. If the world stopped moving and you are alive you shouldn't be surprised because there is life on other planets that can travel at the speed of light or whatever speed that we haven't attained yet. So....until you have no oxygen you can live
  18. The closer you get to the speed of light, the faster light goes relative to your speed.

    Or something.
  19. Speed of light is a constant. It does not get faster or slower. Light is only affected by gravity.