No khalifa wouldn't. He's illustrating a point with that quote. Khalifa, congrats, youve a new policy on the list :lol:
Shiny likes jumping green monster things that create laughter from Shiny. Shiny does not support Khalifa's new policy. Edit before I forget: Shiny supports all 10 of Ashes' new policies.
I'm not taking sides here I'm neutral, but you cant just disqualify ashes. He was actually completely on topic and made a rather in depth 10 policies.
Squishy. It's my thread . Hell yes I can. Also, one policy per post. otherwise it's spam, boom ur out. At least shiny following game rules to an extent lol with supports and or no supports. It's not complicated people. Directions also SPECIFICALLY say do not target anyone. Ashes is dq'd, and will stay that way. If he continues to troll this thread, he will continue to be reported.
I'm taking ^^^ this to the devs Chubby. I know exactly who that is and what you are implying. You go too far. I will personally see to your ban. enjoy kaw while you can For Mods and Devs to see what I mean-
A friendly neighbourhood reminder of forums posting rules. - you cannot ban people from threads regardless of whether they are on topic or not. There used to be a rule that when someone was asked to leave then they had to- this is gone. - off topic posts can be removed or if a thread is deigned to be too far gone then it will be locked. - only the op can request locks on their threads, not any other forum moderator action. - players are requested to avoid derailing threads for the sake of it as this results in a bad forum experience for all. On a more personal opinion note, this appeals to my sense of sarcasm and ultimate disregard of any kind of positive social interaction so please let's keep it on topic! Cheers!
I have a proposal, people who send inappropriate messages to 13 year old girls should be automatically banned Not saying any names as you all know who this is directed towards
Take another look at that gif that chubby posted Moody. Recognize who that is? **EDIT** And thx for your comment at the bottom. that was the point. I wanted this to remain civil. Chubby however has crossed the line too many times. If you havent figured out who that gif is, why don't ya google Chris Hansen.