I have a total of 11 accounts, only 3 of which aren't land complete, only 1 of which isn't bigger than you.
On a serious note... If you strip me when I'm gone. I'll laugh :lol: And then I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you. :twisted:
I will give you my home address if you would like? come kill me I will save you the trouble of looking :lol:
that information is classified. if you want to know, I might PM you it lmao EDITED: Took out info about my PC/iDevice Accounts
Lol I don't know what you are talking about and 90% of people with alts, have multiple computer accounts. It is in the ToU, but it's more a question of Facebook, NOT KaW, letting you have multiple accounts. Hell, the dev's talk about it in their update threads. They don't condone it, for sure, but they don't ban either. Who was the last person you heard of that got banned for multi logging?
I know what it is. I felt like screwing around If I didn't know what it was, I wouldn't have put: EDITED in there, now would I?
yes they ban people with multiple pc accts, and will even ban all of the ones on devices as well for a crime like this! you may even wake up in a cage when devs are done with you
Yes but they don't say it. If they do its in PM which isn't bankable if told in PM but devs still might and most people don't send a SS like me .
what's not to believe? I can give all 11 of them, minus 2, because I don't let ANYONE know they are me, in PM, if you like? Follow me, I will tell them to you.