A new way to grow. Keeping people in the game.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Moose2, May 12, 2015.

  1. I think kaw should add login rewards and referral rewards really as simple as that.
  2. I think kaw should give everyone 100tril for the effort for playing this game, it's our right
  3. That idea wasnt really that ridiculous unlike this thread reminds me of that pet idea a while back anyway I support your idea.
  4. Makes sense, like small amounts of xtals/mith/aqua/inferno?
  5. It is nearly impossible too go from my size too 50+ mill cs. The mids need something. Like a promo. Whare top 5000 or 10000 receiv 1 to 5 trill. Instead of an item.
  6. Moose I agree something needs to be done but god I'm glad your not on the development team. For someone that had written more thesis on kaw you have the most inane ideas and little understanding of how players play the game and the impact of your ideas - oh wait you might be on the development team 
  7. I think the concepts mentioned have a lot of potential. Even doing ee with different mercenaries would be both interesting and challenging. Would they temporarily change build mechanics, depending on merc/sidekick type? Support the idea
  8. Great ideas Moose !
  9. So wait, we hire mercs and equip them?
    Worst deal ever. They're more like sidekicks-

    Are we superheroes? :eek:
    (Nice idea anyways.)
  10. My opinion is that the game needs to make each level of growth enjoyable in its own right. Ee can do this it just needs fixing.
  11. I did not see anything that helps the pvp event. For example last event cost me 200 mith at least. I did not count the pot usage either as I just banked the gold in bronze bars and replenished them when they dripped below a certain amount. PVP and osw is a false economy in kingdoms at war. It's impossible to make back what you have spent.

    I like the idea but this will end up making pvp less sustainable because it's another chunk removed from your savings. We lose 60% dropping allies. 22.5% banking in bars. Yet the pve side is just pure profit. Not to mention the loss of gold on pots.

    We could fight naked but it's no fun failing hits. Well that's if you don't do it on purpose I guess.

    There is no balance in the game. 2 year old players are LC they can attack players 50% below there stats that player can't hit back, this is unfair and tbh encourages bullying. I know it's a war game that's why I would hit back regardless of the our come if I lose least I take someone's troops or spies with me.

    Too many people are afraid of war because let's face it the community spends a lot of real money on this game. 10 seals 60 xtals and hte determine who is the strongest not will or determination.

    Something needs to change I agree but wiping gold from the game from smaller accounts makes it worse.
  12. You nailed it Moose. That's why I stopped playing