A new way to grow. Keeping people in the game.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Moose2, May 12, 2015.

  1. Something needs to b done (happy a legend of kaw is finally stating this). Problem is with ebs still being main source of gold huge players will still beat the rest lb will stay. There needs to b better much better paying medium ebs. And pvp needs to be profitable. I still dont understand how kingdom at war u get more from ebs than war lol. After pots 90% of the time were losing money on pvp. Really devs
  2. A interesting idea but again it's only a bandaid solution ATA is in a tough position keeping the upper cs ppl happy and in the game and bringing in and do retaining new players.
    To keep this app running a major overhaul is needed rethink game mech ' s land n build prices,but those will only get the older players upset.Tiered wars may help but I'm not so sure even that would help because of the abundance of the war equip already out there.
    But something needs to be done because even some of the long playing ppl I know are actually getting discouraged with the game and activity is dropping.
  3. I actually find both of these ideas very interesting...

    I am initially more in favour of the second idea. And to hopefully see you respond to this im gunna keep this short.

    I prefer the second idea because
    1) i feel people will blow a lot of gold into these mercs and end up growing even slower so it would have to be an alternative way of purchase.
    2) Since anyone can buy them, i dont feel the boost will be worth it... It would become a necessity to high income players or they'd be crushed unless the stat gains from them are low and if the gains are low what's the point?

    Now positive comments on second idea
    1) adds more diversity to the game
    2) acts like a second set of equipment
    3) could have sexy splashes like idk a baby calydor going crazy by the side of your army or whatever

    Problems that must first be overcome with the second idea-
    1) how they are attained-

    I personally think this has a simple answer- eb drops. Every final eb in the series should drop a side kick with certain stats to suit the levels of the players doing such ebs.

    2) should they have their own equipment?

    I will link this into the first problem- yes but only equipment from the eb series. I mean you shouldnt have equip from the series above anyway.

    Alternatively they could not have any equipment.

    3) how many side kicks can you have at one time?

    I think only 1 but 2 wouldn't be too shabby either.
    1 seems fair and shows you have to be choosy about which one you want.

    4) frequency of drop-
    As frequent as the equipment from the series. Or in calydor's case, 100% frequent, be nice to the newbies you know :p

    5) base stats?
    I think they should have their own base stats based to suit their respective player levels. So tier1 eb series would have pretty low stats but t6 and such should start to scale up quite nicely.

    6) hte/rotwb side kicks?

    No. I feel this would put too much of a discrepancy between frequent payers and casuals.

    Just my creepy crawly thoughts. Sorry for the wall of text but i hope this is useful :D
  4. I found that to be very useful and interesting. Nice post ️
  5. Yeah I just thought I would try cover every variable or problem that I could think of... If there are any others I'll post but they were just my initial thoughts :D
  6. You would think 400k plus action in any game would give you near the end of the game(build complete)... Only in kaw
  7. Clumzeh

    I have to dislike some of your modifications on the sidekick.

    I am not a fan of the side kick and his armor being EB only. This game is to eb oriented and I think that if the Devs ever make a sidekick, that it should also have drops from Off System PvP and EE.

    You can not advertise a game as the #1 PvP game on the market and exclude PvP from everything worth while.
  8. Being bottom cr is awesome, never get inc :p
  9. Too late for this but...

    Eb plunder should drop significantly as you get closer to build complete, and pvp plunder should increase.

    That would straighten things out.
  10. Moose unblock me. Need to inform you on something.
  11. Your lastest copy-paste fiasco?
  12. @rusted, I really like that idea, even possibly set a different set aside that you have to work toward with a minuscule drop chance that can only come from hitting other players

    To add to that, if I may, possibly have different sidekicks with different bonuses, for example a berserker, who gives X attack but also reduces defense, or a cut purse who gives X% increase on PvP plunder, as these would add a new mechanic to the game that could be monumental

    You could possibly even make it such that the different sidekicks could drop more than once (these would have like a VERY SMALL drop chance mind you) and the way to upgrade them is by using multiple of the same type, or if not that, an experience system, the longer you use them, the better they get, as with this the top players wouldn't be able to use what they have stored from being BC to instantly get massive lengths ahead, and this would give bonuses to people who are in long standing OSW

    sorry, not the most eloquent, but the idea kinda excites me and it *could* be really unique
  13. This is a fair point. I believe that Equipkent no longer applies to EE, (may be wrong on that) so it shouldn't be hard to exclude "side kicks" from EE as well
  14. Support, but since when do devs actually even try to put the community's ideas into the game? Never
  15. Kind of off topic, but I feel like it's time to diversify spy buildings and make:
    spy atk buildings
    spy balanced buildings (ones we have now)
    And spy def buildings.

    This will make the game much more interesting and will change the way people play and build.

    I for one think it would be a great decision, and might not be as hard to implement since the devs can just do what they do for troop buildings but just inverse it to include spy buildings in the mix
  16. I want a merc that i can trick out in fancy armor and weaponry, like diablo LOD spear mercs 
  18. I don't see how this bus growing anyone. These are just temp star boosts
  19. This isn't really growing this is temp stat boosts
  20. I like it fire, but only if you can have 1 sidekick.