A new way to clan bank

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by *Diab_Demise_MaCHiNE (01), Jan 2, 2015.

  1. With an entire clan donating to the clans bfa bonus which we all know for all lb clans that will be a requirement it won't take long before the clan gives everyone a bfa the equivalent of redstars. Even if each ally only gives 1/10 of the regular ally bonus, with 100 people donating it wouldn't take too long.

    Everybody would bank their allies in these clan banks to avoid being stripped, even if the ability to somehow strip the clan bank was added it would not be hard for an entire clan to keep up strip checks on it.

    Even forgetting all of that the fact is you aren't supposed to be able to easily transfer 50t to strip somebody, if you want a big to pull off a big strip then you should have to work for it.
  2. The bfa would be to the clan only, for clan wars, not to its members
  3. No support. How about we wait for the actual clan update including the planned bank the developers told us about in the roadmap?
  4. Whilst that is better than what I thought you were originally proposing it still has it's own problems.

    Firstly I think we can all agree that round wars are slowly dying and that primal wars are now the way forward, which then makes that bfa irrelevant anyway.

    Secondly assuming the bfa from the clan was counted it would be near impossible for new ee clans to form because of their opponents bfa bonuses they would have no chance at all.

    Thirdly huge alliances like apocalypse and ZAFT would dominate ee because they would direct huge amounts of funds at their ee clan and the clans bfa would be through the roof.

    Fourthly?  no idea if that's right lol but anyway... ee would become about money rather than knowledge of game mechanics and strategy.
  5. I'm looking at the fact that a massed amount of funds can be pooled...how would you strip that fund?

    Attack the "clan"?

    Attacking the owner?

    You can't propose to have funds massed somewhere and not propose a way that outside players can strip and get that gold back. That would be against the spirit of this game.

    I would support this if you could figure out how outside players had a crack at a clan bank.

    But you can't just have a bank nobody could get at except the owner, admins. No way. That would take the tracking aspect out of KAW.

    Nobody would need more than MP in an OSW, and everyone juices the clan bank and goes to sleep without a care in the world.

    The end of OSW as we know it.

    Sorry OP, no support.
  6. I'm trying to understand what you proposed in the OP, OP.

    Are you saying the player who is the clan bank, just be listed and marked as "clan bank" and visible only to the owner and admins?
  7. I proposed it further down willy, a new type of clan war where a percentage of the clans cash flow is at stake
  8. Or an agreed predetermined amount
  9. And no there is no player as clan bank, it would be a new clan option, and to say all players would cash in their allies when they slept? Ok that's possible, but the bigger the clan the more-alallies they have, and how would a clan strip if its banking its cash flow all the time?
    swings and roundabouts to me
  10. Would that work like a system war? Could the war just be declined? There would need to be a large enough risk to in using the bank to help outweigh the benefits or it would be too OP 
  11. Its a work in progress lol we get to a more defined answer with kaws input :)
  12. I can find an abuse loophole in that.

    ATA can't monitor every matchup. Pwars would start back up again.

    I do like the idea though. Almost like betting prior to an EE war. Just need to make it non abusive.
  13. A non refusal war, so long as match up is even, with a set amount up for grabs, to either go to winners bank or split between participating members, like pw of old
  14. And yes willy youre right, would rely on devs getting match up system right
  15. But banks can be stripped, how could you strip this?
  16. A few considerables

    -Bank would have a maximum cap.

    -Each member would have a max of how much can they can donate. restrictions lifted after 75% of fund are used.
    --Bank can not be refilled until 75% has been spent and atleast 48 hrs(?) has past from when it reached 65%(?) capacity.
    -The bank can purchase, but not own or profit from ally hires/sells. ally would still increase in value but would be ownerless.

    -Gold is spent directly from the bank. (basically the bank cant buy people items).

    -Taxes still the same as normal, but applied immediately after deposited.

    -*Bank cannot hire allies from anyone who has donated to the current reserve of gold.*or Can only hire from a member that donated the max. *?

    -Main purpose, pull funds for system events. entry, betting, possible unique event items.
    --Secondary purpose, osw related possibilities .

    i like the idea of a clan bank system. its a tricky one though. those ideas i feel are possible solutions to some obvious exploits.
  17. All worth considering
  18. Who would get the ally bonus?
  19. This could be abused heavily. I love the idea, but it is way to easy to abuse.

    Everyone in clan donated 500b. 100 members x 500b = 50T.

    Pass owner down the line of members, each withdrawals enough to HFBC. When that 50T is all used up, everyone donated another 500b. Clans would be full of HFBC members in a few months. Everyone would probably end up donating a few tril, but when you receive 20T to HFBC instantly, it doesn't really matter.
  20. No one said anything about cash flow being a two way thing pup lol