I personally like it when people discuss ideas with other forumers. In this instance - as previously mentioned - the idea of burying or hiding your good allies amongst 200 or so crap allies was used for a long time. The ability to hide allies in this fashion became obsolete when the devs in their wisdom decided that the 20 allies that show when a players profile was viewed would be based up their value (although not in ranked as on your own allies page). Instead, people could use mithril spells to hide allies, but this too has become essentially obsolete as you can't buy enough mithril to make it worthwhile and mithril earned from EE wars are better spent by most players on equipment that provide much better stats than the allies, which can be stripped while the equipment cannot.
The thing with trying to evenly distribute your gold in allies makes it easier to strip you. More players can afford the allies even easier. Instead of 1 person having to buy a 1t ally, you can have 10 people hiring the 10b allies. So of course, you never know how much they have in allies, but it is A LOT easier to strip them off.
Well, it makes it a lot less costly. Even though its the same amount of gold, it's less gold coming from each person.
Nice idea mate, certainly confuses people on idevice as it seems to choose 25 allies at random to put on ur page
The reset bomb and spreading the cost don't work if you're being stripped by an established clan. They will track your activity and strip whilst you are asleep, the allies are then bought and dropped immediately to stop any connection to the bank. The only way you can track is if you are connected to any of your live allys. An established clan don't care if they are losing money. They gain in 'owning' you! On a side note, OP is explaining a strategy from over a year ago. I'm a little confused as to how Op didn't realise this, meaning this was not the op's original idea
If your trying to hide your amount in allies, sure it could work. You have your front page of dirty allies an then clean allies, but that's the only thing you'd benefit you'd get.
Or u could just stick with the old way that doesnt cost as much and buy mithril. It adds up to cost less
The old way of mithril? Geez Anyway, this has been around as long as kaw has. Originally, your profile displayed the 20 allies you bought most recently. About a year or a year and a half ago, the devs changed it to 20 random allies so that this method is less effective. It still works to some extent, but relies on luck and probability.
@squirtle, I try be nice but come on! About 30 people have already said that! No need to bump a dead idea thread to tell me what I already know!
And btw squirtle you are WRONG. Read the thread first before posting. This was patched and now the most expensive allies how up first.
I go back to... Just make sure your most expensive allies are terrible, and make sure you have 20, at least. More expensive allies generally cost more per point of ally bonus anyway. It may not save from being stripped, but with the new drop rules the casual at rippers will have to carry a pound of poo with them for 2 weeks.