A New Kind of System War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Pickled_Pepper, May 21, 2013.

  1. The presumption here is that because its a week/month, the very active players will not be on as much? If this happens it would be even worse for those who are not even able to get on for 2 hours.

    Dedicated War clans would stack them with people who will be able to be on nonstop, set a 15 min or 1 hour alarm and take small naps.

    Good idea, bad presumption. Their are few clans that are used to half a year osw's and always being ready for a strip. Those of you who can't make time for a mere two hours would get completely slaughtered in a week-month long version of it.
  2. The Devs already introduced a system to suit those of us who can't guarantee activity during a 2 hour period in advance... They call them "Epic Battles" and I do them often. They were even kind enough to distribute equipment this way too.
  3. I'm sure it's possible to improve the war system but you can't expect the devs to implement a turn-based war system here (the only real solution to your "dilemma") and still provide equal rewards... I for one think they offer enough paths through the game as it is.
  4. Enough paths? Ee and eb? Lol
  5. Battle List Farming System Wars OSW
  6. I love this idea. Wether anyone else likes it or not. I would love to get on and kick the crap out of someone at my leisure without it being an osw. Cuz for 1, osw can turn into turtle wars. No fun at all. The ko system prevents that. I think it should be basically the same system as the EE wars but with open rosters to keep things from getting stale. Hits from outside to also keep things interesting. I would like to see it set up to where you can sign up for a match up or declare war on an enemy clan.

    In a nut shell, I would like to see it be a lot like osw. But this way, actions of the war and the amount if gold moving around is all on official record. So all of kaw can know who won. I didn't mention anything about the rewards because frankly, if there's a reward, there will be an exploit.
  7. Great feedback so far. Please keep it coming. 
  8. I had made a forum post long ago about an osw idea that was based on reaching a certain plunder to win war.

    Plunder is calculated by clans value in allies.

    Strips lower that number, and allies hired would increase it.

    If someone leaves there ally total is added to other sides plunder earned.

    (Strips aren't required to win war, buy would drastically speed up bigger wars.)

    War starts immediately. Other clan can not ff.

    My idea was based around an osw tracker, so there was no need to "agree" to start war, but maybe this could be like EE war and have there system match opponents.

    Problem with making it work like EE is outside people could influence wars with ally hires. (EE wars still have that problem?)
  9. A problem with that is tho, you'd get a clan that had a 0 stat alt in it starting osws with all the top clans, so easily abused
  10. Restrict war declaration to clans /- x number of lb ranks
  11. Very interesting, CGP. Thanks.