A new idea for indi wars for Season 4!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by antonio00ro, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. Antonio.
    Here is my findings on forums.

    Only crap threads get plenty of comments due to people arguing and trolling.
  2. 5-6 could be pretty fun
  3. A thought:

    Combine some of your good ideas with a queuing system like one that is used in online mmo's.

    You can select to participate in a war any time day or night, and the system puts you in a que that waits for a compatible war to be ready...

    You can choose what types of war you want to participate in and the system matches you up with others with same preferences.

    If within a certain time there are no compatible matches u are removed from the que and can reapply....
  4. this is actually a really good idea support
  5. Biggest issue I see is lack of wc/tracker. But not sure you'd need one w such small rosters.
  6. @Emergency
    Yup, that is not a bad idea either... The only problem would be that takes more time for devs to implement I think... But also can be done!
  7. better yet, just eliminate indi wars altogether
  8. Support, tz is a big issue for warring.

    For extra server load, devs can think of per day waring limit per a/c, like max 5wars per day per player.
  9. I have a new idea for indi wars S4. Scrap them completely? Or give them only 20% war slots
  10. Someone misses warring at rh every day ^ :) i dont blame you, however there have been some very fun indy wars ive participated in and there are some indy wars where you just dont want to be there
  11. Support There are great ideas there. Warring should be available to all players and time zones. Smaller wars would be interesting. Look forward to some of these ideas being implemented.
  12. Yeah... Smaller teams will give a more PvP feeling... And also will be more easy to handle... Now the 23-25 indy wars are fun but hard to lead... Plus u never know your team mates and u don't know if there will be an exp WC or tracker... I've done some of them and are a little chaotic in my opinion! Smaller teams, you don't need a tracker or a WC.. Everyone can track his own opponent! Or even all, they are only 5 lol, another downside that I forgot to mention is that there will be 12 wars a day, and this will kinda kill clans and epic battles... But I think is good to alternate... This will only happen during season, after all will get back to normal...making it permanent will kill clans! My opinion!
  14. I still thik this was a valid option for a tryout! But... Devs have other ideas! It will last only this week i'm sure! :D
  15. Lots of great ideas here. Would love to see the devs implement some.