Who squirms ? Not me, you tryed bully a new clan and mock them like you are some hot shot farmer .But it only shows one thing you are just a victim of being bullyied out of the game.You are to be pityied .
Boba-fett go do the same thing on the Kotfe Awakening recruitment thread.We all know you wouldn't .You haven't got the guts.
Right right, the fact you appear in my newsfeed when I berate some random forum post about "bullying" in a war game, doesn't mean I didn't know that sort of thing gets under your skin. Never said I was a hot shot farmer, just testing the waters. If they claim they will stand up to anyone I want to witness it first hand, can't trust word of mouth on the Internet. So far I saw talk and after over an hour I got inc from one of them but only after you started white knighting your predictable self on here and in my nf. I'll wait for you guys to catch on, take your time no rush. Oh also, what's to be pitied is your constant slaughter of the English language, I mean you are from the UK so, try to take some national pride and please learn how to use it better than a 5 year old, it's the least you could do.
Well, all this arguing aside, you all have my respect for starting a clan or something to help new players I suppose XD Although, I do wonder... Is it an anti-bullying clan or an osw training clan?
It's good that someone is standing up to those loser who have nothing else better to then to Billie someone good job
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ow stop it hurts it hurts so much. How does one bully a osw training clan? They train for osw where anything goes! I'm having a hard time following this logic also the grammar at times, however if one person is bullying a clan, that's one over sensitive clan, maybe they should stick to lurking and EBs where no one can say mean things to them in their safe space?
I've never understood why boba-foot idolises kasama. I don't understand why boba-foot needs to hijack someone else's thread so he can tell us all about himself. He should make his own thread. That's what I think.
I always knew you loved me, boba. But legit, I saw this thread earlier and picking on a newbie clan aint right. Boba, find targets that deserve it and not ones that are pretty chill. gg
You know boa you act like a child you don't know me. You have no clue as to who my family is let alone my friends. Watching your pathetic trys at intimidation has me laughing so hard I have tears rolling down my cheeks. You just run your mouth and sit back and watch. Go hit your little EB's and leave everything else to people that know what there doing obviously my family dose.
What? In the first few pages one of your family was mouthing off that he pinned me and I proved him wrong, then like clockwork roni flew in on her carpet of justice for virtual kingdoms Skinny not far behind making dumbs comments and accusations. How have I tried intimidation by asking a 2m cs account who they could protect them from bullies (larger accounts remember children stats are into the billions now) and comparing that accounts stats to an alt I haven't worked on in 3 years. Seems the osw family couldn't take 1 person saying something not nice about them, sorry I'm not kissing your ass but well I'm not one to kiss anyone's ass. It took a third party to even touch my account before little hit back, is your osw training consisting of waiting on admins on what to do about inc? Before you tell me to go back to EBs train your members to give inc before lying about pinning someone in forums of all places, not hard for me to ss my nf. Was barely more than a hb better call the calvary cause that was just so much inc, over 5 hits! If you morons realized farming is a rule from pwars and osf opening for their clan mates maybe you wouldn't be so upset about inc? Or maybe just maybe you've never been in a osw or at the very least excelled in one.
For one wasn't really talking about your PVP. I have been reading everything you posted to Ronin and everyone else you seem to have issues with to me that's childish when its not pertaining to anything I have even said..Its funny you seem to hit my family that's fine just keep it PvP..
Boba-fart has shown himself to be a dope. Posting off topic boring screen shots of his news feed to prove a point nobody gives a rats ass about. Boba-fart is an actual halfwit
Some people don't know what loyalty and respect stand for. They can say they do but in the end there hypocrites. I have found a few who don't judge me because of my disabilitys. We formed this family not only to help and train. But also to give a chance to thoughts who have disabilities. Being disabled is not a reason to be bullied in or out of game. Yes this is a war game yes we will be hit. Everyone is human and has feelings and our family cherishes this. Friends come and go but family's forever.