A message to all ZAFT members

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SpArTAn-WAR-MaCHiNE-SE, Jan 20, 2013.

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  1. Barcode, my apologies. I saw an earlier post where you called people's opinions biased. I see that you have sided with Zaft. I can respect that so excuse my previous post.
  2. To error is human... I just enjoy to voice an opinion on what I read
  3. Agreed. I love these big wars. Interesting to watch! *munching on popcorn*
  4. Barcode, id just like to point out to you that HoG is a leader board clan so I think they do matter in this war.
  5. @Drow, barcode is statement is about Death_Doc's clan which look like a sub of main HoG.
  6. None of my business but thats never stopped me from voicing my opinion before and doesn't here either lol.

    This is simply a war tactic thread. Anyone who believes it was done for any other reason than strategy is stupid (in my honest opinion ).

    I don't have a problem with the idea and kinda like tone used, but it was done publicly to try to get the moral high ground and entice those in zaft who may be or might be in the future wavering. I doubt it will have much effect and those who leave war woulda left anyway at some point.

    Dunno how the war is going but I wish it would resolve itself soon as Laoda has become pretty active in ac since it started, which I use as my own personal chatline with my ally lol.
  7. @Drow you were a target of ZAFT for quite some time we sat on you like you sit on your moms *** go and get a life *****
  8. Haha EPIC FAIL!!

    Another Stinking-Excrement propaganda.. Wellat least it's by a main this time .
  10. Just curious why the Appalling-Creeps Alliance seemed to b so active in forum instead of fighting.. perma pinned?
  11. Everyone's all mad now .. Tempers Flaring.
    But plz let's NOT forget the most important thing. And that is .. I'm Frickin Cute .

    JWB  Jobs Win WARs

    - Makaveli Kaw's Cutest
  12. At Crimsom-Knight, I was in an OSW with ZAFT Faith for 10 days. I'd leave out the "we" because unlike many of your clan mates, I never once saw you in my news feed. Must have been hiding behind your clanmates.So you ever want a piece of me bring it. I'm right here tough talker.
  13. @Pleasure. I didn't notice it was a sub. Just saw the name
  14. Since there isn't a real way to "win" at a non-system war this could take a while right?

    And kudos OP for being a good sport! Expect a box of cookies in your mail. ;)
  15. I am former zaft and was not farmed for leaving... I left with respect and received the same respect... I decided to go another way... Zaft is a known war clan tho and those interested in only doing eb's are in the wrong place... Pot up and man up as for the war luck to zaft
  16. @Drow I hit your alt moron
  17. I got friends in apoc and Zaft. But honestly, i think all the ppl that arent in this osw should shut up. Both sides know the truth, we dont.
    *Notice i talked about ppl in this thread..not the osw. Good luck to both sides*
  18. Any faming clans?
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