A message to all ZAFT members

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SpArTAn-WAR-MaCHiNE-SE, Jan 20, 2013.

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  1. This is a true sign of desperation from Apoc. Let the propaganda begin. Seems like you are desperate for a way out.
  2. Idiot
  3. All of these threads are propaganda to some extent, but I can't say the apocalypse folks are doing any more of it than ZAFT.

    You will always find some who want the esteem (even if it's just a game) of being associated with prestigious groups, but don't want the responsibility that comes along with it.

    Changing builds to adapt to a war is not admitting defeat, but merely a recognition that the battle won't be over quickly and it's time to hunker down for the long haul.

    Telling weak links that it's okay to leave a fight they don't want to is not propaganda, but a smart war tactic.

    Just some thoughts. Enjoy your war.
  4. I mean seriously Zaft? Can all you do is say desperate? I see what you think is happening but desperation only happens if they have lost multiple members and that has NOT happened
  5. I say war tactic because the well-being and long term ramifications of running by a ZAFT member (if any were contemplating it) is up to ZAFT. The same is true of the apocalypse clans.

    Just a further clarification as to why I say tactic.
  6. If Apoc has lost more than one member then they have lost multiple members.
  7. So weezus since you want to take the morale high road and inform your members of all things war related. Have you provided them with ss of cozza in a ZAFT training war that took place in Oct? Or a ss of him in an EE war at carnage on Nov. 3? Have you explained to them how a cf agreement between Spartan Elite and Seal Elite encompasses a ZAFT member even though neither have the right to speak for our leadership? Have you provide ss of cozza being contacted and told or asked to remove tags?

    The fact is cozza was a ZAFT member before this cf was negotiate. Plan and simple SE farmed a ZAFT member over a bogus reason.

    @pholospher I have been a carnage member for years. In that time I have NEVER seen anyone stripped or farmed for running from our clan during war. Only runners we farm are those that run from our opponents clans without a cf.
  8. ZAFT has been in multiple wars, and have numerous. hardcore war vets.....and have been around for years. Apocalypse. Is fairly new and Im not sure they could do much to them.
  9. I am relieved this is not an alt this time.
  10. @weezus, you and OP should be ashamed of yourselves, esp you weezus. I thought you weren't sacrificing your beliefs for this game because you didn't think it was right for me to farm you seeing you were an ex zaft. But desperation have led you to sacrifice those beliefs now? Lol. As my friends in YAFI would say 'You Asked For It' so sit back and enjoy the ride. ZAFT
  11. Thx nell for speaking the truth ZAFT 
  12. Wow Weezus aren't you the ex-ZAFT who ran from ZAFT during the yafi war when you get inc?  your talking about runners now 
  13. Yea weezus was the runner in the war with YAFI -_- I was waiting on someone to bring that up
  14. Ummm... Bunder, lol, no. I left corp shortly after the LNR War while you were inactive and ZAFT at peace

    @ Harb - shall I post the screenshot of our conversation or do you want to? I'm not slinging mud with you guys. I've stayed classy this entire time, not gonna get into name calling or finger pointing.
  15. Jenni are you a ******* idiot?

    Apocalypse is a family clan of the top War Clans in KaW. They are not a "new" clan but a NEW family. Someone needs to go back to 1st grade KaWHistory.
  16. Jenni vs. Little bunneh...

  17. Respect to my apoc family for not running thier mouths on this thread. We aint squeaky wheels.
    Keep squealin 
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