A message to all ZAFT members

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SpArTAn-WAR-MaCHiNE-SE, Jan 20, 2013.

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  1. @weezus all ZAFT members who don't want to be here are free to leave. We don't farm anyone who wants out. So stop lying about it. If they are scared they shouldn't be they can just leave. Consequences, they will never be ZAFT again. It happens to all clans. People don't know what they are getting into. So no this thread was NOT warranted. Get real and stop with the propaganda 
  2. Erm I'm biased I know but saying people are putting up towers and using that as a jibe at them lol that's pretty weak. It's a war and people will do all they can to protect there investment. Be this turtleing up etc. the only time you know you've won is when the drop all allies and go pure spy. Either way this war as well as the one I'm in now will not finish any time soon. I've refrained from posting on any of the zaft v Apoc threads and will do again after this post. Good luck to both Families may the best side win.

  3. I like how most people in this thread that hate it are in zaft 
  4. @1SL

    That's good to hear and it's taking the moral high ground. The screenshots of pm's I've seen to date show otherwise in the place of some of the members stepping out of this war.

    I know ZAFT aren't bad people, I've got friends on your side. I'm privied to seeing some screen shots of conversations and I am glad to hear you say those not wanting to participate are free to go.

    Happy KaWing and good luck.
  5. Know* It's* morale* 2.* We're*

    Sorry had to :|
  6. @cuddle you missed *we're
  7. I did :roll: I am nearly 100% sure i didn't -.-
  8. .... I wonder about myself sometimes (/).-) sorry 
  9. SS or shut the hell up.
  10. :lol: :lol: :lol:^^^

    From the comments it seems this entire thread is bull ****. Weezus post screen shots. It doesn't matter about names, if they're going to leave anyway it doesn't matter.

    Also 1sexylady said that this is lies. If they leave they'll merely never be allowed back. Lost all respect for you appoc
  11. Also for even more correct drama, one can never start a sentence with a verb.

    You can troll this thread...*
  12. Our members have been posted the screenshots to prove legitimacy, the ZAFT members for which this thread is targeted have been informed, I'm not here to feed forum trolls.

    Continue flaming 
  13. Dude we're not forum trolls or flaming. We (the forum population) only accept the truth when it's handed to us on a silver platter. Just now it's hidden in a bush. Show us the screen shots or we'll be zaft supporters ( :shock: oh the horror)
  14. We aren't here to garnish support clumsy - this is our only line of communication with the opposition we have.

    And while we're being honest... We really couldn't give less of a **** weather you believe us or not lol.

    Ill reiterate:
    -Our members are informed and have seen a taste of the screenshots in question
    -Our opponents whom this thread was written for are informed
    -Nothing and nobody else is relevant to the OP.
  15. Lock this thread then if nothing or nobody is relevant to OP.
  16. So basically you're telling us to back off from exploiting that this is really just to limit zaft in any way shape or form rather then fighting the war? Do you honestly give a **** about them? Obviously not if you would farm them over a stupid tag.
  17. Apocalypse would never get desperate and i think everyone knows this. All of you non zaft ass kissers need to go take a look in the mirror. You are NOT in ZAFT or Apocalypse for a reason. No kindly shut up.
  18. your not in foxes for a reason. :lol:
  19. Lets see if I understand this its stated that current runners count is 2. ZAFT has 800 members so 2 is rather impressive as to how tight our family is. Please continue to update the public on just how committed the ZAFT family is to protecting each other.
    ZAFT Faith
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