A message to all ZAFT members

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SpArTAn-WAR-MaCHiNE-SE, Jan 20, 2013.

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  1. Hmmm...Unless there's a back door to get into A n D without sending notifications, I don't see how we didn't know Laoda was here...And he doesn't own half of A n D members, majority of us own each other.......
  2. Apoc:

    give a CF and an iTunes voucher of £2 to change his name, then continue the war purely to war because seriously the fact SE are even doing that is a joke why should someone who maybe cant even get the money for a name change have to reset because you want the only tags SE despite the numerous SE intialled clans around KaW. Its a ******* joke and if adults where involved in this you should give your head a shake you say you arent bullies but in the history of reasons to war this is the lowest of the low. If this was really just a game just give up now as im sure to many people you look like clumsy shits right now unless thats not your only reason to war, but ZAFT have a real reason to be warring whereas SE just look like a bunch of kids throwing a hissy fit over a name.
  3. If you can't afford 2 dollars how do you own an iPhone/iPod/kindle/android/what not 

    Probably shouldn't be playin this game and focusing more on getting some kind of income lol.

    Id just like to thank Zaft for this war and bringing me back to KaW. Hope this war goes on for months as this is the most fun I've had since the AotS osw
  4. hey bro, and probably kids who got an iphone for christmas etc me personally have hardly any time to play doing just that :lol:
  5. questing for nobs would prob take 1500-2000 quests a week if you were active
  6. And the propack probably was a gift too.
  7. I've stayed off these threads, but oli's last comment is a damn shame. Now you guys are going to openly clown on someones financial situation. That's just low oli I hope you are ashamed of yourself for that. And if you aren't in the least bit ashamed of that comment then that just goes to show your character. Which is very low.
  8. Mick, truth hurts?

    Lol why so offended :lol:
  9. I've worked 50-60 hour weeks and not been able to afford a damn pack of cigarettes after taking care of a family and bills. I also grew up with in a single parent family with 2 siblings in poverty. Making fun of someones financial situation is the lowest of the low in my book. Obviously you aren't ashamed of yourself. Which means you are a despicable human being. And from everything I've read it seems your entire alliance feels the same way you do. So good on laoda and zaft for fighting the good fight against a bunch of moral-less Internet bullies
  10. @malestone  u smokin something dude? U even know whatcha on about?  TCSS at its best 
  11. lol this is a kids game right? i play everynow and then i had to quit kaw because i choose between that and gaw and tbh gaw is better no **** just war to war. but i go to uni do work two times a week then work 6 to 8 three times a week (for barely anything) i am active on weekends if im not busy but i havent put any money in to it simply because im scrutinised enough about what i spend ( before you call me sad tell me how i can afford to get a £10,000 morgage a month while maintaining it while doing uni id have to work three jobs, an appartment would cost 400 but it would just go on top of my uni work) i can barely go out im stacked in work i go out when i can but KaW is generally my downtime as its a there and then thing, but i cant afford to spend anything on it but i do actively try to find work and work in a dead end job but if i did that 24/7 its not possible it would mentally make you hate the idea of seeking work and it isnt easy bro already a few big chains gone down in 2013 and with the rise of the internet market even less. so you tell a kid who plays KaW as his/her getaway from a very depressing outlook that and you think thats right? na mate it doesnt matter you can say all you want how sad and pathetic it is but look at how downhill everything is the world aint a very happy place thruth over a truth.
  12. Respect to both clans. As I mentioned previously I had my main in both family so I love you both. I'm just saddened that Apoc has chosen this sort of propaganda.

    What I'm thinking is imagine I still had my main in both clans? What would I do? Fight my self....

    KEEP IT REAL Venom
  13. Mick, don't know if you can read or not. But no where did say that he was poor? Or whatever is flowing through your mind? Lol I said if you can't afford 2 dollars, wonder why you invest your money in other things in this game.

    I didn't ask for your life story but thanks for sharing with me. Don't think I've been given life on a silver platter lol.

    He has changed his name now so obviously he could afford it, he has at least one propack so I'm sure he could afford it. I was simply disproving everyone's post saying that maybe he couldn't afford it. Lol

    And for you attacking my morals? LOL you don't know me at all, so your judgement is comical.

    Have a good day
  14. In short; bullies running around kaw chasing peeps with SE tags when they themselves are relatively new clan and when get in trouble run back to their alliance... ZAFT did what they had to do - retaliate when their member draw fire ... Perhaps SE has bitten off more than they can chew this time around. Keep KaW enjoyable for kids and adult alike  having said that its still a war game so hit and be hit 
  15. Nice attempt to try a backstep on that oli but your initial post more than speaks for itself. And with that I'm out. Good luck er'body
  16. Isn't it about time this was locked, no-ones gonna defect over to your clan, get real
  17. I had an account with all but one propack it was a gift from a friend, did you just mindlessly hit like a bunch of noobs? or did you talk to him then ask him if he could change them utilise your brain a bit bud. but make the CF in pm and just war to war and ten months down the line you can shake hands and say good war and be done with it is it that hard?
  18. Hey can I put my head up zaft bum too??? Where are all u guys getting in!?
  19. @rop3 the story has been posted on multiple unneeded threads, but I guess noob alts don't need back stories to jump on a bandwagon, good luck to both sides 
  20. Still not seeing any ZAFT members on this thread asking Apocalypse for protection. I have seen a major member of The Hit Squad leave the war. He asked for and received a CF from Laoda, As I said in an earlier post, Loada's a nice guy. If you want out, just ask him. He's not unreasonable.

    In other news, the owner of True Spartans was stripped naked and had a full pot burn done on him. He currently has a 40b toad ally, but unfortunately for him the BFA from it isn't helping him much and ZAFT's smaller spies have no trouble pinning him. Note to EB heroes: 364k spy defense won't save you in an OSW, making all that offense useless.

    Heart of Gold suffered a bad strip. Word is their member lost 2T. Of course, it's always difficult to tell exactly how much was lost so if CLINT----BAILEY would post here and confirm this, I'd appreciate it. Other notable strips were 1000kva of MG, 1T, and CanadianGal of MG, 600b, though it's said CanadianGal disputes this amount.

    Speaking of Monster Garage, it appears the pounding they're taking from ZAFT is taking it's toll. They've brought in some hansels for reinforcement. These aren't new fighters though. They been brought in from other Apocalypse clans. Note to Apocalypse leadership: Robbing Peter to pay Paul tells your enemy volumes about how well MG is holding up. Rumor is Chongo_Hombre may have had something to do with it. Apparently he's none too happy with Redstar, Cella, and Laoda (to name a few) beating up on him. SE might want to hurry up and give him those honorary SE tags to cheer him up. He's certainly paying enough for them.

    Here's a few of messages I was asked to pass along.

    From a ZAFT member to Monster Garage:

    "We fought Judgment, one of the best and most experienced spy clans on KaW for six months. If you think a few hansels are going to save your butts, think again"

    From a ZAFT leader to entire ZAFT Family:

    "I'm very proud of you. You're taking everything they can throw at you and holding strong. ZAFT didn't start this war, but we WILL finish it."

    To entire Apocalypse Alliance from numerous ZAFT members:

    "You'll still have your finger."

    That's all for now. More later.
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