A message to all ZAFT members

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SpArTAn-WAR-MaCHiNE-SE, Jan 20, 2013.

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  1. @Motoko, they can't system war because the number of players and clans involved. It's a war game. Let them battle it out. Plus system wars aren't an accurate picture of alliance strength because generally nobody is being stripped. Strip banks play an important role in a clans overall power and 4 hour System Wars just don't tell the truth. Happy Kawing!
  2. This is bloody hilarious. So I post dissent of osw in general, and make general assumptions, and stripper is now farming me? My guild didnt want the drama so the booted me. Is this how zaft and the higher guilds truely represent themselves to up and coming players? I am posting the opinion of someone on the outside looking in. If you objectively see the situation then you would agree.
  3. I was set as perm farm by zaft because i said respect to apoc, now iam hitting harbinger of wrath the strongest guy in zaft corp
  4. @ uaepower: ZAFT can farm you for whatever reason they want to farm you for. Saying you're hitting their #1 doesn't mean anything since you're probably not getting through anyways, so cool story bro.

    As for this thread, while I don't deny that OP is probably right that there are people that would like to leave ZAFT because of the osw, I must point out that there's ALWAYS runners in osws and the need to make a thread about it seems a bit excessive since I'm sure that there are people who are doing the same in Apoc. Best of luck to my friends on both sides and may the odds be ever in your favor ;)
  5. YOHOHOHOHOHO. Go apocalypse
  6. sorry but... even if your op and claims are in your eyes true... how in the hell is it respectful to claim you'd already had to and label them runners ? you're rather double sided eh? :/
  7. We had alot of pms from Zaft members wanting to leave after Laoda went and did EE wars while they were getting thrashed. This is Fact. Believe it or not. I dont care. We felt as leaders that it should be put out there

    The purpose of the thread is just to make it clear that they can just go if they want to. You dont need permission from either side.

    Granted they will be players who leave both sides over the coming months im in no way denying that. But we did not send a message out to our members that if you run you will be farmed.

    Our members are part of our family... Not just on kaw but off kaw too. We take pride in our alliance to have a strong family bond and believe the way Zaft members were threatened is unacceptable.

    Everyone is free to choose there own path in kaw. And if they dont want to osw then why would you want them in the clans anyway?

    Lets keep forums respectable on both sides from now on. No trash talking with alts ect. We all no its pointless and theres no need

    Im no differant to any other player in this war. I love war just as much as everyone involved its what we play for.

    Good luck to all. And please no forum alt trash talk 

  8. I miss my evil
  9. Yes i'm an alt but you don't have to know or care who's my main.

    To all those ass licker supporters of Apo for goodness sake use your brain not your ASS to think.

    Every war there are runners, there's no big issue on that. BUT by posting a threat like this what does it prove??? ONLY RUNNERS FROM ZAFT???? :lol: :lol: :lol:


    UP TO YOU :lol:
  10. I used to like ZAFT...

    Then I took some common sense to the face. Silly me.
  11. Lmao @Motoko
    You ran your mouth without 1st understanding the entire situation. You're getting farmed for your opinion which others are not viewing with grace but hostility.

    KaW, is a game built around a communication program. So unlike WoW, etc. this is not an individual or a single group wanting to become tops. And here you can't remain tops for long unless you're able to survive OSWs.

    OSWs are run to remove EB noobs off the LB. it's the yearly pruning that didn't happen last year because of a breakdown in an alliance structure (ZiG)

    If you > Motoko, survive your farming, well....
    Welcome to KaW.
    And no we don't give chances to person/s who think they are contributing to a major event taking place in KaW by butting is with a viewpoint. Then defend your viewpoint by farming back. Every hit you receive, return one in exchange even if its a failed attempt. You gain respect for fighting back.

    OSWs prune members fast. You want your clan to be loyal n to back you up in a crunch. You certainly don't want to know that he's washing his wife/mistresses panties and isn't free to fight beside you.
    An OSW is around the clock, you literally sleep with your iDevice / Android device in a charger and on your chest / bedside / beside your pillow / under your pillow. With Voice Messaging ON on a 3rd Party App.
    Waiting for the dreaded "Mate! You're falling off the clan list. Someone's striping you!"

    A lot of KaWers have become great friends because of OSWs. They've met in real life and have started businesses and gone into marriages. Bcos they know that you'll fight my their sides no matter what.

    So I hope to see you > Motoko grow into a T5 HCBC one day and taste OSW. And understand what it means to have peeps standing by you.
    If you treat this like just a game. Then it is just a game. But if you put yourself on the line for your mates, then you're liable to get a life partner or business partner for life.

    Good luck to all in OSW.
  12. Where are all these ZAFT members who want to post out then? :|
  13. Malestone. Thank you for being one of the few coherent here. I know like many zafties said previously I am not meant to be here. BUT I am a member of ZAFT DESTINYI will not be leaving my clan. WFTT
  14. Well nice strategy used by the op.

    All I know is laoda might had a crazy laugh after reading this 

    I'm even sure that he didn't even want to read the whole thing. 

    I'm not zaft but I have fought many many wars against him and with him. But I hope he gives u a chance. 
  15. @ Spartan Washing Machine

    Still no ZAFT members posting on this thread that they want out. I believe your last count of ZAFT runners was 2. I've counted over 15 running from Monster Garage alone. MG's roster stays about the same because they keep bringing in fresh lambs to the slaughter. A quick check will reveal about 1/3 of MG is either naked or has toad allies. Word is many are running out of pots, hence the number of attack builds with over 100 actions in EB's. I'm also hearing Chongo isn't in the best of moods these days. Maybe SE can give him honorary SE tags to cheer him up? By the way, if you haven't figured out yet why Laoda is doing EE wars your grasp of OSW tactics is sadly deficient. Think about it. Maybe you'll figure it out eventually.

    @ Stosrider

    Ask X_spart_x if yesterday's strip of over 1.5T failed. I believe that's the second time ZAFT stripped him of over 1T and did a full pot burn on him. I also see Baby Micky finally got some allies after being stripped naked. Good for him. The BFA from under 2b of allies isn't much, but I'm sure it helps. How's hatf1eld's position on the ally LB these days? Once they drop under 50 I lose track. Ask him and get back to me, would you?
  16. 
  17. Speaker he has went up 1 place since the last update... Again another alt giving nothing to the thread.
  18. @Scotsman. Wrong. He went from 55 to 56 at last update so...... You wrong
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