A message to all ZAFT members

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SpArTAn-WAR-MaCHiNE-SE, Jan 20, 2013.

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  1. Props to Apocalypse for offering a way out to ZAFT members, I don't see what the problem is with this thread...

    Either way, good luck to both sides!
  2. @Crimson Knight, you hit my alt?oh. ok. Anytime you want to put on your big boy pants and hit my main, it will be waiting right here. Link on your wall
  3. Ofcourse all zaft supporters are gonna say bad about this thread. Lol zaft+supporters, you make me giggle.
  4. bingo we have a winner! Inc stl 5/5
  5. @speaker of truth, you are by far the only one I've seen on here w/ any common sense or any REAL KaW knowledge.

    And Death Doc, don't worry princess, your time is coming. But please, buy about 10bil more in allies so we can make it worth out while. But while u wait u can watch hatfield drop down the LB. . . .
  6. Lol you apocalipto loser clans make me laugh now trying to do everything you can on forums look like you did not got what u wanted trying to be #1 by destroying lil clan an now u got out number are trying to brain wash the noobs lol you are a joke
  7. I think Mods should look at wall. So many peeps to silence.
  8. support apoc for bein so sincere to Zaft. offerin their members that much hospilatily while winnin this war is great. 
  9. Says the guy who has little pebbles for allies (biggest allie 4b hahaha) because he has been stripped naked and is now butthurt..when he cant fight the fight..he goes for anythin and everythin that pops in his half bucket brain to disrupt ZAFT..but lil does this eenie meenie miney moe knows that might might ZAFT is a united Kingdom and fierce warriors..the only purpose of this post is to get forum noob attention...now shut up and fight or reset
  10. Much respect spartan war machine for this 
  11. Respect and support. All I see from ZAFT people are "", which screams of childish 12-year-olds.

    Even though I like ZAFT... Since they housed me a while... But still.
  12. Yea i am breaking ZAFT rules by posting this but just so you know.

    When i join a clan, it becomes my family and my friends. I will not back down when one of them is farmed for rediculas reasons.

    All i can say is, you can strip me, make me potless, keep me pinned all day every day but ill still be that annoying little fly that you cant get rid of every chance i get. So stop making useless threads and Whack First Then Talk.
  13. Smart move by apocalypse lol
  14. I'm thinking now that ZAFT members can leave ZAFT and CF with Apoc there will be a drop in members.
  15. This is more of a desperate move by Apoc..can't handle the war so they turned to forums to boost morale to their members. Time will tell who is begging for refuge.
  16. Ghost I'm pretty sure I've done seen you ask for a CF, so why are you even talking?
  17. This is so dumb. The entire war. There is no winner here, it is a ghost war. Even if by some miracle you guys end up destroy ing the other, you would have done such irreparable damage to yourself that catching up will take months. I have been playing video games a long ass time, and habe a ton of experience with these situations. Trust me man, just bury the hatchet.

    It is just making you all look like immature morons, seriously. People who cant control themselves and have poor communication skills resort to war to solve problems. Ok, lets look at it a bit deeper.

    You win: you try to post evidience of this on the boards, but by the time you do, you or you clan mates habe shot your credibility to the point that no one believes you. Furthermore the other side just denies it and in doing so retains their supporters. The conflict over the winner never resolves.

    You lose: you have just exhausted all kinds of resources and time on an effort that got you nowhere. On top of which, your credibility is shot, and the respect you once had is diminished.

    Either way, the outcome is the same.
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