A major issue and a simple fix

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Thanatos-Korgano, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. Easily done, lol. PvP has been crap for ages. ATM we're just trying to beat some sense into the devs concerning a narrow aspect of it :lol:
  2. To the folks indicating that the devs are never going to "fix" the EE wars, that is part of the basis for this proposal. Since they won't be changing pay rates, hit ranges, etc, this is a fairly simple proposal that would require them to make almost no changes to the system.

    Just duplicate the existing system once (or twice as folks have suggested) and you resolve a lot of the major problems by simply eliminating the chance for them to occur. Having wars of min and max CS would mean no hit ratio issues, no "no matches", much less stacking of the extremes in CS, mids and other types of builds could war, etc.
  3. Yes please, can someone at ATA print this and tape it to the monitor of the guy in charge of EE?
  4. Support!!! My sh kicks too much ass in wars it's not even fair :D
  5. Make it happen devs, no more of the broken system.
  6. It would be nice if a dev took notice of this thread. ....
  7. I fully agree that min stats are the key to better matches. I like your heavyweight lightweight idea. Or just make 5 or 7m cs the minimum for a player to be able to cast wave.

    I remember old system wars when just about every player had the same size stats. Then it was just about who had the best strategy.

    Now we have tons of great war builds in wc looking for war and can't cause clans only want players 25% their size. That's not cool for the game.

    IMO, by making minimum stat req to cast WAVE it causes small players to observe wars and think of creative ways to make their own build as they grow towards the min stat req.
  8. I would gladly war if your plan was implemented.
  9. No support, EE has been a plague to kaw. EE and EB's suffocate all of the updates and events on kaw. EE is broken and full of corrupt roster stacking clans as EB's are boring as hell.

    It's time to update off-system pvp.

    And update FC.
  10. Yeah, I'd love to see an update to pvp too. No reason they can't do both. Remember when scrolls were gonna drop from pvp? Remember when promo stuff (feathers, moths) were gonna drop from pvp? Kinda wondering where those ended up.

    But....that's for a different thread. Let's get the devs to fix everything, one at a time. This one is to get war fixed or if not fixed at least dramatically improved.
  11. I really don't see this helping much. Lower rank will still have sh/gh stacking. I think it may help the top division be a bit more even though.

    I think the problem with the war system is the current plunder algorithm and the length of time. Make it so that the sh/gh cant make as much per hit as they do. It would be fine if they only gave a little money for being hit away and only gained a little money for hitting other players.
  12. Providing more incentives to participating in war would help out a lot. Currently you are either in a top clan and win or you just get repeatedly beat down which just results in a loss of gold, time, xstals, and mith. Who wants to spend their time doing wars when that's what they have to look forward to? Provide a reason for people to benefit from participating in wars and it would substantially increase player participation numbers and will result in better matches.
  13. More incentives would help, yes. Have it pay better, give out bronze bars as a bonus so that the total reward is at least as good as doing an eb if not better, have it drop items and scrolls and all that good stuff, etc.

    Certainly couldn't hurt and everyone agrees that more participation results in better matches. Incorporate that too devs.
  14. We good on this devs? Y'all read this right? Please make it happen ASAP.
  15. I like this idea, how ever I would like better match ups more. I think if we decide rosters in 3 and match top to top, mids to mids, sh to sh. That way clans with lots of sh would not match up with clans with out. Also use tighter difference checks to make sure if bfa/bfe/stats too much different in any of the 3 sections you are comparing then no match. We all abuse the system when we can, but this would force us to be more honest and provide more equal matches which will make wars more fun again. Wars that are close are the best, too hard or too easy of wars are no fun.
  16. It's worth noting that the people that are "on break" are likely recovering from 48 sleepless hours. They'll be back once the withdrawal symptoms kick in.