Well seeing as its illegle to blackmail the way she is and again legely where I'm from you can force your believes on someone (Canada) but idk what to say
Support this but........ The thing is did narcissist saw all of this and read all of our advices good or not? I just notice that he didn't reply after a few days or even weeks. I wish he would answer to ppl (like this one) if he agree to it or at least try to ask if he didn't understand or get it......... Just noticing........
Op.. In my house my mum and dad never really cared what we believed in, they where both bought up Catholic, my dad sorta still believes and my mum doesn't believe in God but believes in the supernatural (lol) They always said it was up to us to make our own minds up, and none of us believe in God lol But my point is, tell her the reason you are agnostic and if she flips just laugh it off and don't worry what people think