Nobody's heard of you. You're quite the whiner aren't you? Twice you had my DRAGON-CODE acct banned when stating facts about you. The hurt you must feel is real he? Haha
Thank you all for bumping this, ill update based on your feedback and my own knowledge will update Later today
So you're clan recognizes him. Why dont you kiss his butt a lil more? Lol Dont do it too much. I hear it's a fetish of his
Never reported you for anything before, I rarely report forum posts because I come here for the banter. As for being quite the whiner... need I remind you that I replied to an insult aimed at me from you? You are the one coming at me for attention
I agree. Hes way cooler than I am. Hes just a forum troll at this point. Takes trash talk and doesn't hit anyone. wish I was that cool
Don't know how I am meant to hit someone who isn't in my hit range. Someone who if they were in my hit range that would just cry that I am hitting a small account.
Lmao. I've been trying to get you failures to hit me for months. But there's always an excuse. so keep trying buttercup
Humoring to see that not a single LSA war was listed, but what is to be expected from OP after being kicked out? Tsk, Tsk.
The game ended months ago, this is just a never-ending dream as you are in a coma. . . Yes I'm talking to you ... Yes, there.
WTF!! PEOPLE ARE STILL PLAYING THIS GAME!! Can anyone update me with what happened to my clan Black Hand. I gave the clan to blazey when I quit but now some guy sirayden owns it and ran it to the ground?! We’re my successors losers and got beaten in osw? Lol
Hey Nick. Are you talking about that time when u ‘quit’ in mid osw just so you could play your ‘secret’ accounts that you moved to last rights when they surrendered in that osw? Lol I can guess why u are here all of a sudden, trolling/lying outta ur ass. Pleases our egos tyvm Maybe u can do a bit more than run ur mouth? But now that ‘rose’ is long gone I wouldn’t hold my breath. Keep running, if u change ur mind u know where to find me