2018 The Pines vs The Leagues and The Leagues Adepts Outcome The Pines win The Pines vs Fast and Furious Outcome The Pines win The Pines vs G.A.I.A Outcome Mutual cf due to G.A.I.A rl issues The Pines vs Ruthless_Mercs and Ruthless_Mauraders Outcome The Pines win 2018/2019 The Pines vs Storm Chasers The Pines relocated to Pure Evil Outcome The Pines/Pure Evil win 2019 Pure Evil vs Foxes and The Foxes Den Outcome TBD. Still ongoing Long Live Devastation
We live in a time when in osw the opposition quit hitting back and somehow they think they won. I'm disappointed in our current osw. We are outsized and outnumbered. They dont hit back. Hell they think the amount of money they get is what they take. Even osw suck now.